Wednesday, 10 June 2020

But Shouldn't We Hear Daniel Radcliffe's Opinion On This..?

Keeping public toilets closed at parks and beauty spots is sexist towards women, it is claimed.
Speaking to FEMAIL, charity campaigners and medical experts warned the measure 'adversely and disproportionately affects women and girls' because they are forced to 'plan their lives and freedom around toilets' in a way that men are not.
Menstruation and a more frequent urge to urinate means women often find themselves in greater need of facilities than men.
Surely not 'women'. Surely it's 'people who menstruate'?

Shouldn't we take the advice of noted medical expert Daniel Radcliffe on this subject?


Anonymous said...

Do they need to pee more? Sure, they spend more time in the Ladies, but some of that is queuing, some of it is chatting, and some of it is looking in a mirror and doing makeup. Then mostly they don't drink as much beer.

Time spent away from an office desk is not a true indication!

Sackerson said...

Radcliffe: I didn't realise transgenderism meant turning into a tw*t.

Oldrightie said...

The Orwellian dictatorial change of language and meaning was and is so prescient. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Nowhere has Rowling said she's scared of trans gendered individuals. Anyhow they are not trans gendered, they are dealt a cruel twist of nature and have a genetic and or hormonal set of conditions which mess with their physical and mental departure from more natural conditions. One manifestation of said factors is they do not menstruate. FFS.

Longrider said...

Clearly they know nothing of the enlarged prostate.

Feral said...

People should be allowed to live under whatever identity they feel comfortable with. If a man wants to be known as a woman or a woman known as a man so be it. The thing that scares people is a person of the opposite sex lying about their sexuality to deceitfully invade people's space for perverted reasons. It does happen.
And open the loos for all. When you've gotta go, you've gotta go.

Ps. A very happy birthday to the grand old Duke of Edinburgh. Still going strong. X

U said...

Not interested in his inexpert opinion did not click the link in case he thought I was.
Signs at local petrol stations "Please use gloves when taking fuel....Wash your hands as often as possible"
Glove dispensers empty, sign on the lav door "In our fight against Covid19 these facilities are closed".

Anonymous said...

At last the lunatics are running the asylum. We have waited so long for this blessed day.

Feral said...

As I said. Still going strong.

Just Trevor said...

I believe high-resolution opera glasses were needed to detect Radcliffe's cock when he stripped for a play a few years ago. What sort of instrument would be required to register any brain activity in his petulant little head?

JuliaM said...

"Sure, they spend more time in the Ladies, but some of that is queuing, some of it is chatting, and some of it is looking in a mirror and doing makeup."

I can affirm... ;)

"The Orwellian dictatorial change of language and meaning was and is so prescient. "

And it's gathering pace.

"People should be allowed to live under whatever identity they feel comfortable with."

No-one is stopping them. No matter what the hysterics claim.

"I believe high-resolution opera glasses were needed to detect Radcliffe's cock when he stripped for a play a few years ago. "