Wednesday 29 December 2021

"Will Someone Rid Me Of This Turbulent Author..?"

Disclaimer: I'm no fan of Rowling's 'literary talents'. Tried to read one of her books and found it by turns hackneyed, mawkish and boring. The films were marginally better but hey, chuck enough CGI beasties at the screen and I'm happy! 

But one thing I do admire her for is her ability to get right under the skin of Millennial crybullies and make then show themselves up for what they really are, not what they pretend to be. 

And this screed in iO9 is a perfect illustration of that:
Quidditch players from across the globe are ready to deliver a bludger to the name of the sport they so deeply love, thanks in part to You-Know-Who.
No, not Voldemort, but J.K. Rowling, a woman now known for needlessly expressing transphobic views who created the sport for her Harry Potter book series.

Remember when women were encouraged to express their opnions regardless of societal disapproval? Reader, I do... 

Fans began to lose faith in Rowling back in 2017 when, despite damming allegations of abuse against Johnny Depp, she backed the actor who was then starring in her Fantastic Beasts series. (He was later replaced for the third film by Mads Mikkelsen.)

No, 'fans' didn't at all. A tiny and unrepresentative minority did, and did their level best to bring her to heel. But that lady's not for turning. 

And it turned out she was right all along about the messy Depp/Heard allegations. Which is what really rankles, I suspect...  

Things took a huge turn a few years later, though, when Rowling began (and continued to) make it publicly clear she held unabashed transphobic views and was infuriatingly stubborn about it.

She doesn't hold any such views, and if the author of this piece could be honest with his readership for once, he'd have to acknowledge it. 

It’s a truth that has continued in the public eye—up to and including last week. Along the way, Rowling’s leading men much such as Daniel Radcliffe and Eddie Redmayne have condemned her actions, while Warner Bros. has remained unconvincingly obtuse as it continues to mine the Harry Potter franchise for all its worth.

Because Warner know what this screed is trying desperately to conceal; most people who lap up the films and books and other merchandise just don't care, and probably share her views too. Because they are mainstream views, and will be for the next twenty or thirty years, at least... 

Variety obtained a statement from Rowling’s representation: “The Quidditch Premier League, U.S. Quidditch and Major League Quidditch have never been endorsed or licensed by J.K. Rowling,” which, of course, is also at the center of the problem here.
Rowling may be saying good riddance, but hopefully, her dismissiveness is enough for all these organizations to cut their ties once and for all.

Why should she be anything but 'dismissive'? She's on the right side of this pathetic little war you're trying to foment. And she knows it.

And if you could be honest for once, you'd admit you know it too... 


Anonymous said...

I share your views on her writing, because the plot lines are weak. However, she sometimes reveals an interesting streak of knowledge when it comes to making names up, via the medium of dog-Latin.

I think I share her and your views on the whole left-wing, mentally-unhinged, LBQT etc mob, with the only reservation being that however unhinged any individual is, I would still treat them with basic courtesy - but only en route to their disposal into a vat of Soylent Green!

Mark In Mayenne said...

I'd buy her books to support her views, if I wasn't sure she's rich enough already....

Anonymous said...

No sympathy for her at all. She's a leftie who's got on the wrong side of other lefties.
She has probably supported this woke crap cancel culture previously but not so keen now she's the victim.
Fortunately for her,she's so rich that she can ignore these idiots and never has to write another book .

Lord T said...

If the league isn't endorsed by her then maybe she should sue for copyright violation, close them down and set up one of her own without the snowflakes.

Scrobs. said...

Never read Harry Potter, but J.K.Galbraith novels are pretty damned good.

Good luck to her, she made so many kids learn to read and understand books, and while the snowflake, woke leftys get all hissy, she has enough clout to tell them all to p**s off!

Andy said...

I found this lurking in a dark corner of the internet last night.

Tom said...

I think you’re too harsh on the quality of the Harry Potter books. Don’t forget, the target audience is children. They are fairytales, and should be judged as such.

Longrider said...

Seen elsewhere - a suggestion that Rowling should set up her own publishing company. She has the wealth and the clout, so why not? She could make a killing publishing authors who have been cancelled elsewhere. As well as giving a massive two finger salute to the wokerati.

JuliaM said...

"I think I share her and your views on the whole left-wing, mentally-unhinged, LBQT etc mob..."

I suspect that the vast majority are just getting on with their lives. It's the miniscule and unrepresentative minority of those that get all the publicity.

Ain't it always the way?

"I'd buy her books to support her views, if I wasn't sure she's rich enough already...."

I did buy some WB merch for Christmas gifts - wish I'd bought double now!

"She has probably supported this woke crap cancel culture previously but not so keen now she's the victim."

'More joy in Heaven..' and all that, Jaded!

"If the league isn't endorsed by her then maybe she should sue for copyright violation, close them down and set up one of her own without the snowflakes."

Oooh, wouldn't that put the cat among the pigeons!

"Never read Harry Potter, but J.K.Galbraith novels are pretty damned good."

Haven't tried those but I caught the BBC adaptation. Wasn't a fan!

"I found this lurking in a dark corner of the internet last night."


"I think you’re too harsh on the quality of the Harry Potter books. Don’t forget, the target audience is children. They are fairytales, and should be judged as such."

This author's audience was children too. She wipes the floor with Rowling's offerings.

"Seen elsewhere - a suggestion that Rowling should set up her own publishing company. She has the wealth and the clout, so why not?"

Why not? Because the popcorn bill would bankrupt me, that's why not! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£