Wednesday 12 April 2023

Yet More Joined-Up Government...

So, you'd rather they smoked real cigarettes instead, as Tim points out?


The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is trying to balance finding ways to cut underage vaping while at the same time ensuring vapes are available to help adult smokers to quit.

We are ruled by morons. 

The government has an ambitious plan of making England smoke-free by 2030.

The government has lots of ambitious plans. They backfire more than Wile E. Coyote's do...  


Anonymous said...

If these numpties succeed, they will have to increase other taxes to make up for the shed load of tobacco taxes they won't be getting.
Also, just think of all the tobacco farmers and workers who will end up out of work, homeless, with starving children, who will have to turn to growing other addictive substances to make a living.
I've always wondered if you have to be a tunnel visioned moron to be a politician, or is it like osmosis after being elected?I

MTG said...

Only wondered, Penise?

I am disappointed that a plod role, however minor in our National Numpty problem, failed to provide sufficient experience to form a clear conclusion, old chap.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. He's back again!

JuliaM said...

"If these numpties succeed, they will have to increase other taxes to make up for the shed load of tobacco taxes they won't be getting."

Oh, indeed!