Thursday 19 October 2023

Finally, A Column In The Guardian I Can Agree With Wholeheartedly...

When I was a child, I imagined that the best thing about being an adult would be going to bed whenever I liked, but in fact, it’s breaking off both ends of a baguette and buttering and eating them, and not being told off when someone later finds the middle folded inside the bread bin.

It's been a long time coming, I know. 


DAD said...

Bravo ! I'm number three.

Scrobs. said...

Being able to demand a 'bien cuit' baguette always seemed a bit daft to me; it's bad enough seeing burnt bread masquerading as a delicacy but I guess someone with a full mouthful of teeth can cope!

ivan said...

I've been doing that since I moved over here to France in 1993

JuliaM said...

"...I guess someone with a full mouthful of teeth can cope!"

The crustier the better!