Wednesday 25 October 2023

It's Called The Third World For A Reason...

An inquest into his death heard that Mr Brown had electrocuted himself while attempting to steady himself using an overhead cable - which he was unaware was live.

Yikes! Where? Not England, which is a bit of a clue... 

Mr Linder said: "We were just a couple of septuagenarians backpacking across India to discover the history, culture and geography of a fascinating country - although in reality we were staying in hotels and driving.
"As we were leaving our hotel we found the most stunning view and asked our driver to pull over.
"Ivan was always in pursuit of the perfect photograph and reached up on a cable not realising it was live."

Fascinating it may be, but H&S isn't part of the culture. 

H/T: Dave Ward via email


Andy said...

Karmic revenge for Prince Philip's gag gaffe of 1999.

JuliaM said...