Monday 15 January 2024

Yes, They Are Called 'Consequences'...

The mother of a university student who killed herself in prison said her daughter was 'terrified' the last time she visited her, an inquiry heard yesterday. Katie Allan, 21, took her own life within months of being sent to Polmont Young Offenders Institution, Stirlingshire, for dangerous driving. Her mother had told a prison officer Ms Allan 'was being berated by fellow inmates' on the day of her death.
You know how not to get berated by other criminals? Don't drink/drug drive and get caught. 

Are we supposed to have sympathy here? Why?
In a statement outside court, the families' solicitor Aamer Anwar urged First Minister Humza Yousaf to work to remove Crown immunity, which means the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) is exempt from prosecution for the deaths. Ms Allan's parents, Linda and Stuart, stood with Mr Anwar as he said they want the First Minister to hold the SPS to account.
For doing its job and keeping the Scottish public safe from dangerous drivers?


KJP said...

Dangerous driving may have been the offence but it does not adquately describe what happened: she was drunk, knocked someone over and fled.

The Jannie said...

She won't get pissed and run anyone else down . . .

Anonymous said...

The government, any government in the UK, has a duty of care of anyone placed in it's custody. Both of the deceased should, because of their age, have been assessed on entering the prison system. It seems that this was not done, and those in authority should be held to account. The young lad being taken off suicide watch because he was no longer deemed a suicide risk. Who made that decision and on what grounds was it based? The treatment of the young lady by other prisoners should also have been monitored, yet it wasn't. A shameful episode in the British justice system.

Anonymous said...

But, but ... don't you understand, women are never responsible for their own choices/actions (and the rare as hens teeth occurrence when the crime is so egregious that even a woman can't get off scot free, and she gets a fraction of the sentence a man would have received, she ... still doesn't deserve it).

That and:

Example #27,436 of yet another "mother" who failed dismally as a parent, using the predictable results of that failure for attention, sympathy and profit ... for herself (whilst, of course, blaming everyone 'but' herself and her broken offspring).

Matt said...

No loss to society.

Anonymous said...

Prison is not fun but people seem to be queueing up to get in.

JuliaM said...

"...but it does not adquately describe what happened..."

Quite! My sympahy is already at zero for anyone who gets behind the wheel while drunk, but leaving the scene?

"She won't get pissed and run anyone else down . . ."

Indeed, it's a great result for society.

"The government, any government in the UK, has a duty of care of anyone placed in it's custody."

*shrugs* I'm more concerned with the duty of care to protect us from drunk drivers.

"Example #27,436 of yet another "mother" who failed dismally as a parent..."
