Saturday 17 February 2024

Another Unfortunate Juxtaposition..?

Are they all on African Time, then?


Anonymous said...

Many years ago, working in the NHS, I was subjected to the usual BS claims that 'we' all should be grateful for immigration and the (preferential/quota) hiring of all these third-worlders because ... all those nurses were going to help with our patients load, reduce the waiting-times, etc.

I (being typically "helpful") pointed out the uncomfortable fact that for every one immigrant nurse we received at least 1000 more (relatives, friends, neighbours) immigrant patients added to the lists, so rather than helping, it was guaranteed to eventually cause the collapse of the whole rotten system.

And here we are. (Now consider just how many of those jumping the queue, leaving you and yours on those never-reducing waiting lists are ... immigrants. I worked A&E at The Free, Thommie's, Guy's and Kings and, let me tell you, >70% of all attendees weren't English - and we had two, total, immigrant staff, most preferring the cushy/well-paid "administrative" and "specialist" posts).

The NHS, as with all the rest of the government departments, was one of the first "beneficiaries", and most extreme examples of Affirmative Action hiring and promotion. It's not, and never was, just the fact that immigrants were more likely to apply, or even be hired in preference to home-grown applicants, but the fact that they were actively being sought and recruited in their home countries (and then imported to replace the indigenous workforce).

'That' is why "one in five NHS England staff are non-UK nationals". And ... isn't that working out 'so' well?

Sobers said...

Its already the case that the NHS is overwhelmingly female (77% I believe) and increasingly non-white. It must be the most non-white non-male organisation in the country. And its the biggest pile of sh*te you could imagine. How exactly are they going to get around this little contradiction as we are constantly told that 'diverse' organisations are much more efficient?

JuliaM said...

"...the uncomfortable fact that for every one immigrant nurse we received at least 1000 more (relatives, friends, neighbours) immigrant patients added to the lists..."

Yes, this needs to be pointed out more often.

"How exactly are they going to get around this little contradiction as we are constantly told that 'diverse' organisations are much more efficient?"

Same way they get around every uncomfortable fact: ignore it.

Sheikh_Anvakh said...

And call you waaaayycist or "phobic" if you point this out.