Thursday 1 February 2024

If Only I Ran 'The Guardian'...

...then the text when you clicked on this thumbnail would read 'Well, go back where you came from, then!'.

The government plans to exclude accommodation used to house asylum seekers from a crackdown on landlords managing social housing, the Guardian revealed this week.

So we are supposed to believe these are genuine refugees scared for their lives, but they demand pristine living conditions? If I was in genuine fear for my life I wouldn't think of questioning the shelter given me. Would anyone else? 


Bucko said...

It will be, 'You could be owed thousands' next. What is wrong with this country?

Anonymous said...

Why not put military families into 4 star hotels and the small boat invaders into military accommodation? Small incidents of damp would be the least of their problems. Of course, in such an event, the usual suspects will claim these properties are not fit for human habitation, even though they were considered fit for military families, about which the usual suspects said nothing. In the long term, resulting, embarrassing, publicity may make the numpties in charge of maintaining the military quarters get off their arses and do the job they were paid to do.
Anyway, the SBIs can always go back to Calais, in the care of the Shag an Afghan type charities.

Anonymous said...

How damp were the tents they had in Calais? Do you think the French were the slightest bit concerned about that?

JuliaM said...

"It will be, 'You could be owed thousands' next. What is wrong with this country?"

Oooh, how long have you got?

"Why not put military families into 4 star hotels and the small boat invaders into military accommodation? "

I'd rather they simply turned the boats round and waved them off back across the channel.

"Do you think the French were the slightest bit concerned about that?"

Hmm, don't seem to have a 'Gallic shrug' emoji...