Saturday 17 February 2024

No, Jonathan, It's Not The 'Slippery Slope' You Think It Is...

Jonathan Liew is upset at 'right wingers':
And so once you erase trans women from physical sport, you move to sports such as chess and darts. From there it’s a short leap to scoffing at people’s pronouns, talking about “men in dresses”, perhaps even a cheap gag during prime minister’s questions while the parents of a murdered trans teenager are watching from the public gallery.

Newsflash, pal, we've already done all that long before this latest row.  

Next you start denying the concept of gender fluidity entirely.

*gasp* Can you believe the insolence of us heretics? 

You demonise the trans woman as a potential abuser or rapist.

Because they often prove themselves to be exactly that

You describe transition surgery as “mutilation” or “child abuse”.

Because it is? 


DAD said...

Well written, Julia. Some people do not like the truth, nor want to hear it.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply saddened by the murder of the Ghey's child, but it must be stated again and again that he was not murdered for his delusions, but by a pair of murderers out looking for a victim. The parents of the victim seem to be as deluded as he was, about reality.

decnine said...

Gender fluidity is not the same as sex fluidity. Sex is the consequence of the DNA each of us inherited. How I think about myself is something separate. In my head I am a witty, attractive tolerant fellow. In physical reality, I'm an 80 year old white male who may be mildly deluded. If you can live with my delusions, I'll live with yours.

Anonymous said...

How many more times will the left wing media lie about the murdered boys parents being in the public gallery ? Either way Sunak was not making a joke at their expense, it was against flip flop Starmer

Anonymous said...

Is there any reason that chess and darts can't just be played by anybody with no segregation based on sex or gender?

Matt said...

@ Anonymous

Because women aren't as good at them as men and so want their own contest (where they can then claim equal pay despite no one giving a crap about their "sport").

JuliaM said...

"Some people do not like the truth, nor want to hear it."

Indeed, as we all saw yesterday with our Parliament (currently under siege from Islamists) declaring the 'threat' from 'the right wing'.

"The parents of the victim seem to be as deluded as he was, about reality."

I feel that family dynamics is driving a lot of this transgender cult.

"Sex is the consequence of the DNA each of us inherited."

Indeed! No-one is 'assigned' sex at birth, it's observed.

"How many more times will the left wing media lie about the murdered boys parents being in the public gallery ? "

As long as they are never challenged on it and they never will be, except by bloggers.

"Is there any reason that chess and darts can't just be played by anybody with no segregation based on sex or gender?"

Actually, no. Being a man wouldn't give you an advantage. But it's noticable that there's very few men looking to break into these sports...

"Because women aren't as good at them as men and so want their own contest..."

Possibly. We've seen very few - if any? - scandals of 'trans men' attempting to shoehorn their way into men's sport.