Wednesday 7 February 2024

Thankfully, You Won’t Be In The Job By Then…

The UK could officially recognise a Palestinian state after a ceasefire in Gaza without waiting for the outcome of what could be years of talks between Israel and the Palestinians on a two-state solution, David Cameron has said.
Although I suppose Labour could keep you on, you really aren't a Conservative, after all...
“What we need to do is give the Palestinian people a horizon towards a better future, the future of having a state of their own.”

Why would we want to do that? If ever a populace has squandered every chance they've ever been given to prove they deserve one... 

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has repeatedly rejected the creation of an independent Palestinian state after the war, and has even boasted in recent weeks that he was instrumental in preventing Palestinian statehood.

Well, Ben, I think they've had a hand in that too... 


Nemisis said...

The politest thing that I can say about this poser is that he is out of touch with the British Public.
He wanted to remain in the EU and now he wants to reward the Palestinians/Hamas for the October attacks. Next he'll be saying that Hamas is legitimate!

DiscoveredJoys said...

David Cameron is a fool. He still thinks that Western values of democracy and kindness will teach the world to sing, if only you believe in them enough. But there are many places in the world where honour and dishonour are the basic mindsets - and there is no resolution to conflict (family, clan, nation) until the 'other lot' are destroyed.

Addolff said...

They’ve had their two state solution. The arabs got all the land east of the river Jordan, the Jews the land to the west. The problem with that being that the Jews actually got some land, and that will NEVER be acceptable to the arabs.

Anonymous said...

The assumption is that he is a fool. I disagree, after Bliar and Gorgon he was the most 'evil' PM we've ever had (ineffectual and weak, but evil nevertheless).

Whilst Hanlon's Razor ("Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity") remains mostly true, by now you have to have realised that for most of our (and the entire West's) "elitists' it is a safer bet to assume the complete opposite.

Unlike most here, I have actually been there, multiple times (courtesy of HM and MOD) and, having a reasonable amount of actual experience and first-hand knowledge of the average Palestinian, I say ... "nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" (and the world will be immeasurably a better place - and you wont find anyone other than the Palestinians or their bought-and-paid-for sycophants who will say differantly).

Just like Bliar et al, Cameron is rallying to the support of those who ... bought him years ago.

Anonymous said...

The Palestinians are the Pikeys of the Arab world. Over the years, they have been accepted, as refugees, into Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. In each case, they were thrown out or trying to destabilise the government's in those countries to their advantage, yet still, they shrill, "we are the victims". It's almost as if Palestine is twinned with Liverpool. The Gaza strip could be a luxury tourist haven, but Hamas cream off the millions in aid, leaving the leaders sitting on those millions, and using that money to try and exterminate every Jew, while leaving the ordinary Palestinians living in shit, yet "it's the Jews fault".

Boganboy said...

What we need to concentrate on is to make sure all the Palestinians aren't dumped on US!!!!! Think Syria. But I'm sure the rest of the world would love this solution.

Secondarily, I'd say we should stop giving money to UNRWA. And the Houthis. Of course the Moslems or the Chinese or the Russians etc might decide to make up the shortfall. While we can more sensibly spend our cash on the weapons we need to kill them with.

After all, if the cash for UNRWA had been cut off in 1950, those who'd survived would be too busy working for a living to make such a nuisance of themselves. And if the Houthis couldn't tax the free food we're giving them (I understand we're feeding about the population of Oz), they couldn't afford to launch those missiles at our ships.

JuliaM said...

"The politest thing that I can say about this poser is that he is out of touch with the British Public."

Sadly, a signficantly large percentage seems to agree with him.

"...there are many places in the world where honour and dishonour are the basic mindsets..."

But enough about Liverpool... 😏

"The problem with that being that the Jews actually got some land, and that will NEVER be acceptable to the arabs."

And if he can't see that, what use is he as Foreign Secretary?

"...if the cash for UNRWA had been cut off in 1950, those who'd survived would be too busy working for a living to make such a nuisance of themselves."

It could be a paradise, look at what the Israelis have done with theirs!