Friday 14 June 2024

'Of No Appearance'...?

Just an ordinary Lars, Malthe or Anker? Well, no:

An attack on the Danish prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, which left her “shaken” and with a whiplash injury, was probably not “politically motivated”, Danish authorities have said.
A 39-year-old Polish man, who was apprehended after allegedly hitting the prime minister on Friday evening, was remanded in custody until 20 June after appearing before a Copenhagen court, the prosecutor Taruh Sekeroglu told reporters.
“It is not our guiding … hypothesis that there is a political motive here. But that is something that the police of course will investigate,” Sekeroglu said.

What else could be a motive for a Polish man to come to Denmark to assault a politician, then? Expect to see more of this, whatever it is... 


DiscoveredJoys said...

There's probably enough disappointment with politicians in general for the nutters to take a swing, or worse. And, as nutters, there may be no rational motivation behind their behaviour.

Are we still able to say 'nutters'?

Lord T said...

How stupid can they be.

Someone travels from another country to randomly attack someone and just happens to pick a Politician. What are the chances?

Now over here some have those sorts of smug faces where you are tempted but usually only when you are talking to them.

JuliaM said...

"Are we still able to say 'nutters'?"

On this blog? Absolutely!

"Now over here some have those sorts of smug faces where you are tempted but usually only when you are talking to them."

Thank goodness I've not been 'doorstepped'... yet!