Monday 17 June 2024

Stop Whining That We Fought Back Against The Gaslighting!

People circulating 'offensive comments' about a police plea to find a missing woman? What fresh hell is this?! 

Even in Broken Britain, surely a police request to help find a missing woman should only be met with support and assistance and...


Once again, social media is Kryptonite to the modern police farce.



It's an ugly-looking bloke.

Anonymous said...

It’s embarrassing how politically correct the police have become

Andy5759 said...

If she's on the run from sinister forces it would be a simple matter to disguise herself by wearing a false beard.

Doonhamer said...

What are they whingeing about?
Thanks to Soshul Meedja "her" likeness is now spread World wide. There is no escape.
But what are the hash, sorry (These lovely towns have no weed problems), # in front of town names for? ..
She has been missing since mid April and now, mid June, they are concerned. So busy with hurty words. So many channels - yewtoob, Instagram (not a quick delivery drug line), X, wutsyap, Gab, on and on. And then there is the blogs, and vlogs. Some of them using a foreign language for which they have to employ web scanning interpreters.The
I am sure that they need more "funding".

JuliaM said...

"It's an ugly-looking bloke."

It always is.

"It’s embarrassing how politically correct the police have become"

Don't be too embarassed, it's not like they lack for company amongst all our institutions.

"If she's on the run from sinister forces it would be a simple matter to disguise herself by wearing a false beard."


"What are they whingeing about?
Thanks to Soshul Meedja "her" likeness is now spread World wide. "

Exactly! Would that have happened otherwise?

"But what are the hash, sorry (These lovely towns have no weed problems), # in front of town names for? .."

A hashtag makes a name or other term searchable on social media.