Wednesday 5 June 2024

A Dangerous Combination...

XL Bullies and illegal drugs:
The mother of a five-year-old boy savaged by an XL Bully has revealed the youngster had 'half his scalp ripped off' during the horrific attack. The terrifying incident happened in a run down house which locals claim is a well known drugs den in Hull, East Yorkshire, on Bank Holiday Monday afternoon. CCTV from the neighbouring house shows the mother and her child entering the property with another man, who is claimed to be a local drug dealer.

I've often said the police should regard ownership of these things as less a desire for a dangerous 'pet' than for a cover and guard against other criminality.  

The mother is then heard pleading for an ambulance as she emerges wailing in the street with her child in her arms before a stranger offers to ferry the boy to hospital. He is now receiving treatment after the savage attack which left him with 'half his scalp ripped off', while friends of his family say he is lucky to be alive thanks to three men who wrestled the dog off him.

Very lucky indeed, to find three men not too addled by illegal substances to act! And once again, the owner of this hellbeast is a young female: 

Footage from after the attack in Hull shows the moment police arrived at the property to collect the out of control dog as the owner, dressed in a black top and grey trousers pleads with the officers to let her put a muzzle on the animal instead. The owner can be seen on the footage pleading with the officers: 'You are hurting him. Let me put the muzzle on him.' She tells them: 'It is a good dog. I am telling you. I can save him.'

Skip the drugs test, officers, she's clearly on something! 

Neighbours deny the mother is incompetent: 

'I don't know what she was doing at the house. There are a lot of problems with drugs down here but ahe will not have anything to do with drugs.
'The dog had come from a good family home only two days previously.'

No 'good family home' would ever want one of these things! 

Following the horrific attack, Humberside Police's DCI Allison Sweeting said: 'We are working closely with the boy's family and the owner of the dog to understand the circumstances surrounding the incident.
'At this stage, the breed of dog is believed to be an XL bully type and it has been seized as part of our enquiries.'

Perhaps if this place was such a notorious drugs den, you should already know the circumstances?  

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