Wednesday 7 August 2024

Streaming TV: The Umbrella Academy (NetFlix)

A show based on comics I never read, and with a seriously odd premise, when this popped up I was somewhat dubious. It had alternate realities (which I love) and time paradoxes (which I don't!). 

The initial episode was pretty confusing, but I stuck with it, and I'n really glad I did. That dance sequence to 'Footloose' was the high point, without a doubt.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this storyline is for kids, though there are several romantic scenes as well as torture. I have long been a hard sci fi fan, but find anything to do with time travel unrealistic, as the universe would have to move forward, or revert, to where it is/was at the point of arrival. About the only thing they got right was the theory of time paradoxes.
Irrespective of "Footloose", would rather watch Wallace and Gromit's, "A Grand Day Out", as it's more realistic, but that's just me.

JuliaM said...

I'm eagerly awaiting season four.