Sunday 4 August 2024

Sunday Funnies...

Ah, if only I'd studied harder in maths lessons...


Anonymous said...

There is a lottery type thing run by a commercial radio network which has rolled over quite a lot just now. I only know as I've been doing a bit of DIY and, for a change, have been listening to Planet Rock, I normally listen to Spotify. You have to send in a text that costs you £2. If you win they call your phone at 5pm on Friday and you have to answer within 5 rings and tell them how much the current prize is. As far as I can work out, the odds must be down to how many other people have entered on a given week. One problem that I have is that my phone is very rarely used to receive calls and I haven't worked out how to answer it, whether I tap or swipe the green button, half the time it goes straight to missed call. I can't be the only one as, at the time of writing, it has rolled over 27 times and the prize is currently £270,000.

On the subject of desperate poor people, I know a guy who has always held down a job but seems to be hopeless at managing his money and always seems to be broke. Chatting to his brother once, he mentioned that the guy used to belong a lottery syndicate and was spending £50 a month on it.

JuliaM said...

"I can't be the only one as, at the time of writing, it has rolled over 27 times and the prize is currently £270,000."


"...the guy used to belong a lottery syndicate and was spending £50 a month on it."

That's sad, I suppose it's a case of 'I'm in now, got to see it to the end'