Saturday, 18 January 2025

If You Aren't Already 'Uncomfortable' As A Grown Adult Playing This....

...then trust the march of woke practices to swoop in to save you!
Critics have slammed the newest installment of the Dungeons and Dragons rulebook for 'going woke.'
Is it just a PR stunt, though?
In the game's 2024 Player's Handbook, 'races' are now 'species' and some character traits have been separated from biological identity, according to The New York Times. 'A mountain dwarf is no longer inherently brawny and durable, a high elf no longer intelligent and dexterous by definition,' the newspaper explained.

Mustn't forget the snowflakes!  

Wizards of the Coast, the Dungeons and Dragons publisher owned by Hasbro, implemented a trend that allows players to stop the game when they feel uncomfortable.
'The signal shouldn't trigger a debate or a discussion: thank the player for being honest about their needs, set the scene right, and move on,' the book said.

How can a group play a game if one or more of them can stop complying with the rules at any point? It's like playing 'Monopoly' when someone can exempt themselves from paying when they land on a hotel!  

The foreword of the book shared online said the original game excluded and disrespected women as well as and portrayed slavery 'not as a human tragedy but as a commercial transaction.'

The buying and selling of human beings was a commecial transaction. Still is, in some parts of the world where the practice never ended. 

Of course, the snowflakes are ecstatic:

Others have embraced the changes claiming they make the game more inclusive for players. 'What they're trying to do here is put up a signal flare, to not only current players but potential future players, that this game is a safe, inclusive, thoughtful and sensitive approach to fantasy storytelling,'
Ryan Lessard, a writer and frequent Dungeons & Dragons dungeon master told the Times. 'Wanting all your players to be comfortable and have fun is good actually,' one social media user said.

But you don't want that. You don't want those happy with the way the game has been played for years to have fun, simply because you want to dictate what counts as 'fun' in the first place. 


Anonymous said...

Next, World of Tanks without tanks.

Henry Crun said...

It's like playing 'Monopoly' when someone can exempt themselves from paying when they land on a hotel!

Is that the channel migrant version?

Barbarus said...

Wonder how long before "D&D 2023" becomes a thing? If it's not already?

Sheikh_Anvakh said...

Woke fascism, poisoning everything it touches. Hopefully it hits the hard on the bottom line, but I suspect the nerdy wimps will comply, because playing a fantasy game is more important than real life freedom.

Bucko said...

"this game is a safe, inclusive, thoughtful and sensitive approach"

If I read that on a game, I'd put it straight back on the shelf

Sheikh_Anvakh said...

Likewise. "safe, inclusive, thoughtful and sensitive"= censored

JuliaM said...

Wouldn't put it past 'em!

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

Not long, D&D nerds are nostalgia lovers.

JuliaM said...

Sadly, probably true.

JuliaM said...

Spot on!