Friday, 17 January 2025

Solution To Future Issues – Mandate DNA Samples From All Captive Animals In The UK

DNA samples from four lynx that were captured after they were illegally released in Scotland could be used to help track down the culprits behind the ill-conceived scheme.

 Could, yes, but only if they had something to compare them to…. 

Conservationists believe ‘rogue rewilders’ could be behind the release of the animals into the countryside near the Inverness-shire village of Kingussie. Experts believe the big cats (Ed: *sigh* No, they are not 'big cats'...) were transported from Ireland or elsewhere in Europe by rewilding activists, often referred to as guerrilla rewilders, who have grown tired of waiting for official reintroduction schemes.

 I'm not sure why the finger would be pointed at foreigners…. 

Mr Packham said DNA could play a role in discovering more about where the cats came from. He said: ‘If these animals or any of their lineage have been kept in captivity there’s a chance we can find out more. ‘We might not be able to find the perpetrator though.’
Conservationist Derek Gow, a long-standing advocate of reintroducing lynx in Scotland, said the illicit release was never going to be viable as the animals were too tame. But he said authorities will find it hard to trace the big cats’ lineage because there is no DNA database of lynx held in captivity in the UK.

Then perhaps there should be? 


Lord T said...

Another example of a law that will achieve nothing.

They state that they believe that the animals were brought in from abroad where there won't be DNA samples on the DB.

More useless regulation to add to what we already have.

Anonymous said...

".....DNA could play a role in discovering more where the cats came from." .
Perhaps we should try it with the small boat invaders, so we know where to send them back to?

JuliaM said...

I have my doubts - why ship (or smuggle) them in from the continent, when we have private keepers here? It's simply doubling the risk of discovery...

JuliaM said...
