Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Panto Season Gets Earlier Each Year...

Ready with a rousing chorus of 'Oh, yes he does..!'
Nadeem Aullybocus*, defending, said his client had thrown the bottle at a display stand hoping to hit cigarettes, and it bounced into the assistant.
Mr Aullybocus said: "He doesn't make excuses. He knows he's done wrong."
*That'll be one for Furor Tuetonicus ;)


Furor Teutonicus said...

Noted. :-))

Robert the Biker said...

Another one to be roasted over slow fires for being a twat.

JuliaM said...

The lawyer, or the defendant? Oh, hell. Build a bigger fire, we can do 'em both!

givvus yer best raspberry said...

The lawyer, the defendant, the Furor, Julia or all of them?