Saturday 2 April 2011

You Win, And You Lose…

A cafe owner who was ordered to tear down an extractor fan because the smell of her frying bacon offended Muslims was celebrating an appeal victory today.
Common sense prevailed at last! Not before a lot of lawyers were further enriched, and a lot of council employees were given a reason for their continued existence, but still...
The council will now have to pay all of Mrs Akciecek's legal costs plus their own, which include the costs of planning reports, lawyers' consultations and meetings. All will be met by the public purse.
That's us, folks. And will anyone lose their job over this waste?

Of course not...
She said today: 'This a victory for common sense but we shouldn't have been put through this in the first place.

'We're just relieved it's all over. I would like to thank the planning and environmental services who backed my appeal.

'We had lots of support from the Muslim community. The Muslim community were infuriated by what had happened.’
It's notable that this wasn't a Muslim complaining. It often isn't. It was a (presumably) white middle class progressive liberal complaining on their behalf...

To the council, of course, it might as well have been a Muslim. Authority by association.


Rob said...

Mr Webb-Lee is going to speak to his lawyer. Hopefully his lawyer can string this whining twat along for a couple of grand

Captain Haddock said...

Mr Webb-Lee, along with Mr Colt, Mr Browning, Mr Smith, Mr Wesson and their German cousins Messrs Heckler & Koch should be utilised to thin-out some of these over-paid, under-employed council wankers .. who seem to believe that they're actually "governments" ..

Brian said...

From what I understand of the case, the nextdoor neighbour was hacked off by the close proximity of the takeaway's extractor fan to his home. Knowing that his complaint would be binned by the council because "it is policy to assist businesses" or suchlike anti resident crap, he thought the ethnic trump card might work as it usually does in our PC Asylum. Will the takeaway object to a maggot farm next door?

Mjolinir said...

Odd thing - Mr W-L says his 'Muslim friends' couldn't visit because of the smell.

But the 'Muslim friends' of Mrs Akciecek and her Muslim husband, didn't seem to mind?

Anonymous said...

The very fact that a politically correct liberal progressive adherent would on purpose lie and concoct a complaint using fanciful politically correct techniques only goes to illustrate how totally bankrupt of morals and how utterly corrupt the politically correct liberal progressive left-wing political class has devolved. The fact they will not owe up to it when things of this nature happen but bury and hide the facts in their politically correct liberal progressively owned mainstream media illustrates their corrupt slimey lack of ethics and conspiratorial complacency even further. Since this was a non-Muslim politically correct liberal progressive who did this for his own self-gain, there will come a day when minority groups who have had words put in their mouths and abused by these politically correct liberal progresive left-wing predators will rise up against them. And come that day, things will not go well for the politically correct liberal progressive liars who have thus far been getting away with their charades. Methinks of lamposts and cord being in short supply, when that inevitable day finally comes.

blueknight said...

It appears that the 'employed' Council Planning Officers recommended the application for approval, but the 'elected' Council Planning Committee members refused it at the Planning committee meeting.
Anyone in Stockport that thinks that their money was wasted will know who NOT to vote for in May...

JuliaM said...

"Hopefully his lawyer can string this whining twat along for a couple of grand"

He's not worth his salt if he can't! Hopefully, he isn't getting legal aid?

"Anyone in Stockport that thinks that their money was wasted will know who NOT to vote for in May..."

Sadly, far more are dependent on the council's largesse, and so will keep voting them in.

Dave the Dog said...

"thin-out some of these over-paid, under-employed council wankers .. who seem to believe that they're actually "governments" ..

Try reading the article again, you can read can't you? The 'wankers' all agreed there wasn't a problem. It was the ELECTED Politicians who made it one. Oh well I think I'll go strangle the chicken!

Anonymous said...

Stockport resident here..the Planning and Highway Regulation Committee(all elected local councillors) comprises 2 Conservatives,5 Lib Dems,2 Labour,and 2 Independents.The Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee are Lib Dems though.Makes it a bit difficult to work out who to vote against!