Tuesday 7 February 2012

Let's Celebrate Diversity!

Bristol's next Lord Mayor wants to highlight the contribution minority groups make to the city.
All the contributions? Or just the good ones?
Liberal Democrat Councillor Peter Main...
Oh. Right. I can probably guess then...
...has been nominated as the successor to the current Lord Mayor, Councillor Geoff Gollop, at the end of his year of office in May... Bristol’s first openly gay mayor, he wants to reach out to minority communities across the city, from different races and faith groups, to people with disabilities, and to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

As one example of his approach to the year in office, Mr Main plans on learning sign language, so he can communicate directly with deaf people.
*bites lip*


I am Stan said...

So what?

Bobo said...

Its the 'openly gay' bit that always baffles me. 'Openly gay' as in Danny la Rue? As in Larry Grayson? As in Russel Harty? Does His Worship's sexuality inform his every utterance, every nuance of his bearing and deportment? Every time he has to sign off the budget for a new public drainage work, or open a new roundabout on the relief road, how does he ensure that he does so in an 'openly gay' fashion?

Or, to turn it around, am I "openly straight"? Does my immediate impact proudly shout "Heterosexual!"; or do I leave some , perhaps unintentional, ambiguity about the issue? Should I try harder? Perhaps by thrusting my groin in the direction of the nearest attractive female? Or indulging in continual 'Lord Flasheart'-style innuendo and banter? Should I wear a t-shirt that says 'I like fanny'?

"Openly gay mayor". That's it in a feckin nutshell, right there: the rot at the heart of the system. Can we not monitor this imbecile, and very time he time he so much as scratches his arse in a way that might not be 'openly gay', can we not send up a howl of protest and opprobrium?

Anonymous said...

Oh FABulous! About time too -ooooH! The openly gay black disabled community will be THRILLED! How about another statue to Mary Seacole too? AND an apology for slavery - come on guiys - whoo-hoo!

jonathan said...

I wonder how the muslim community will respond, given their well known love of homosexuals? Perhaps when he reaches out to them, they'll chop his hand off.

Gallovidian said...

The love that never shuts up.

Ashton Gayte said...

Reaching out to minority communities is fine if they want to reach out to you too.

For the rest of us, less so.

nisakiman said...

"...wants to reach out to minority communities across the city, from different races and faith groups, to people with disabilities, and to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people."

How much longer do we have to listen to this "look-at-how-liberal-and-multi-culti-I-am" crap? Ye gods, I just want to slap their faces when they spout this garbage. Meaningless PC twaddle.

@Bobo - good comment.

Tattyfalarr said...

"...wants to throw loads of cash at minority communities across the city, from different races and faith groups, to people with disabilities, and to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people."


Anonymous said...

well somebody must have voted for him.

JuliaM said...

"So what?"

Well, you tell me, Stan?

"Its the 'openly gay' bit that always baffles me. "

Indeed. Who cares what his sexual orientation is?

"I wonder how the muslim community will respond, given their well known love of homosexuals? "

That's going to be an interesting one, isn't it? *gets popcorn*

"I just want to slap their faces when they spout this garbage. Meaningless PC twaddle. "

It just makes most people switch off.