Sunday, 27 July 2014

Where Should They Do Time, Mike? Azkaban?

Mike Weatherley (often on the right side right up until the last moment) has clearly been affected by the heat:
… as David Cameron's chief adviser on intellectual property, he has asked ministers to consider passing a law that would mean people "who steal online items in video games with a real-world monetary value receive the same sentences as criminals who steal real-world items of the same monetary value".
So…sod all, then? Even if they are repeat offenders?


ivan said...

Is he the same twit that is advocating a change to the copyright law so that large corporations can steal photos and such like off the internet with impunity? If so there appears to be some sort of double standards there.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Perhaps ministers could, at the same time, consider legislation to punish killing other people in online games.

The phrase "lost the plot" doesn't come anywhere close to describing this kind of idiocy.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX who steal online items in video games with a real-world monetary value XX

Pertinent phrase "Worth real-world monatary value."

It IS theft. Pure and simple.

If someone takes money from your bank, it is no less a theft, because they did it, and you paid it in, electronicaly.

JuliaM said...

"Is he the same twit that is advocating a change to the copyright law..."


"Perhaps ministers could, at the same time, consider legislation to punish killing other people in online games."

I'll be safe, since I'm useless at those FPS games. I'm hoping real-world game laws never come into the equation though!

"It IS theft. Pure and simple."

Yes, it is. But let's solve the actual theft problem first, eh?