Sunday 14 June 2015

I Don't Even Know Where To Start...

I think I'm in favour of it - can we take them away from 'Telegraph' subs for balance?

H/T: Angry Exile via Twitter


Anonymous said...

I suggest that we stand to learn more about ourselves by treating this subject seriously, Julia. Yet in the knowledge that basic rights across its own species are denied uniformity, a conflicting and deeper human need spawns the notion of conferring rights upon other species.
Another odd thing is the general perception of simian habits and their cognitive abilities as being closest to our own. Pigs demonstrate the closest traits by a large margin and it is because of this that our cruel mistreatment of these intelligent and highly social animals, makes a mark on the conscience of thinkers.

(And don't trouble yourself with a translation, Jaded. Far be it from anyone to cut off the supply of lard...well, not yet.)

Anonymous said...


Ed P said...

You cannot expect Telegraph subs to know the difference between monkeys and apes - they are only paid peanuts.

JuliaM said...

"I suggest that we stand to learn more about ourselves by treating this subject seriously,"

I'm all in favour of treating animals with decency, but they ARE animals, and not human.

"You cannot expect Telegraph subs to know the difference between monkeys and apes - they are only paid peanuts."


MTG said...

"I'm all in favour of treating animals with decency, but they ARE animals, and not human."

More in common with FT than unnecessary capitalisation, Julia? A cutlery-optional companion to share a steaming fest of esculent animal viscera, piled on greasy plates.