Monday 27 January 2020

It's Pantomime Season After All...

Councillor Kate Lymer, Bromley’s executive member for public protection and enforcement, said the authority would “reflect on the implications of the judgement in the coming days”.
Nobody is above the law...
All together now: "Oh yes they are!"
In their ruling, judges stated the move to ban encampments could “comprise a potential breach of both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Equality Act”.
It was also ruled that existing legislation and case law “make plain that the Gypsy and Traveller community have an enshrined freedom not to stay in one place but to move from one place to another”.
But they don't have an 'enshrined freedom' to impinge on the lives and resources of others. they? Are we all now second class citizens?


Just Trevor said...

Link to the article:

Anonymous said...

When I was much younger I remember a Gypsy who came to our area from time to time and he was a welcome visitor. When he left all that remained was a little ash from his fire. When travellers come to the area now they leave rubbish, old white goods, empty gas bottles and all kinds of junk for the community to pay to have cleaned up. Also their dogs make it unsafe to walk in the park or exercise my dog there. Is it possible they are themselves to blame when people object to them staying in the area?

Robert the Biker said...

"Is it possible they are themselves to blame when people object to them staying in the area?"
Oh No! Perish the thought that they should behave like human beings instead of a troop of rabid baboons! Don't you know they're ' special' and a protected class! We're just so blessed to have all their shit left on our doorsteps, you should prostrate yourself before them (and buy some lucky heather).

Anonymous said...

I never thought of that Robert, I shall buy some heather as soon as we are favoured by another invasion of our paying fields. I must remember that when prostrating myself I don't do so on one of the broken bottles left in the grass where our children play and our dogs walk. All so different to the old time Gypsy who was always happy to do an odd job, have a chat and never left any mess. It's not racism or any other kind of prejudice it's just wanting people to treat our neighborhood with respect and not leave us with a clean up bill of thousands every time they visit.

JuliaM said...

"Link to the article"

Whoops! *blushes*

"When I was much younger I remember a Gypsy who came to our area from time to time and he was a welcome visitor. When he left all that remained was a little ash from his fire. "

A genuine Romany, probably. These are...a different species.

"It's not racism or any other kind of prejudice it's just wanting people to treat our neighborhood with respect and not leave us with a clean up bill of thousands every time they visit."

Spot on!