Friday, 31 July 2020

Tweet Of The Month

He's got a point, no?

And so has he!


Doonhamer said...

I was about to comment that the blanking of strangers is a SE England custom, but then I remembered that I live near Edinburgh.

Anonymous said...

"...when did British people interact with strangers in public?".
Perhaps it's the area I live in, but I have noticed that more and more people, strangers all, are talking to each other. Perhaps it's a result of the lockdown and self imposed exile and talking to yourself for 3 months, I have no idea. Standing in anti-social distancing in shops, I have heard strangers exchanging stories of how they are coping, home schooling their children, being furloughed from work or, even worse, being made redundant or laid off. There also appears to be an element of humour, with my local off licence having to continually restock packs of Corona beer, they are selling so well.
Perhaps it takes something like the CCP virus to help people regain their humanity?

JuliaM said...

"Perhaps it's the area I live in, but I have noticed that more and more people, strangers all, are talking to each other. Perhaps it's a result of the lockdown and self imposed exile and talking to yourself for 3 months, ..."

That might be a silver lining, right there!

UsedtobeBanned said...

In a small CoOp yesterday I had already arrived at the till when I noticed the heavily discounted Nescafe.
It was just out of reach behind Anti-Covid barriers but blow walking all round four aisles to get it. Just then sn elderly was passing so I called
"Excuse me !"
He looked a bit startled perhaps thinking I was about to criticize his naked face but relaxed when he saw I was likewise. After passing me the coffee we had a nice little chat about how rubbish the whole Covid thing was.

JuliaM said...

Interestingly, I had to go to Asda yesterday, to take my mother for her eye test at their opticians. In stark contrast to the near 95% mask compliance at the other supermarkets, there it was barely 50%...