Thursday 18 March 2021

More In Sorrow Than In Anger, Your Honour..?

A judge who ‘stuck his neck out’ in a bid to help a criminal who was transitioning gender has been forced to jail him after he was arrested for drug dealing.

'Forced to'..? Isn't it his duty to do so? 

Simran Khan was caught dealing drugs on the streets of Blackburn just months after Judge Simon Newell imposed a 22-month suspended prison sentence on him for reckless arson.


“One has to say, to get 22 months suspended for quite a serious arson, I was really sticking my neck out. I’ll be blunt about it. To have it thrown back in your face within a few weeks doesn’t bode well for the future.”

His, that is. Not yours. Of course not. No consequences for you, eh?

The defence decided to push his luck:

“He has become isolated from his family because of this and he has suffered considerable abuse at Styal prison as a man being remanded into a woman’s prison.
“I would ask you to take that into account when considering the term.”

Why is a man ever remanded into a woman's prison? Shouldn't that be the real news story here?


Anonymous said...

No surprise here, just another example of UKs soft on criminals useless so called justice system. Despair comes ever easier these days.

Bucko said...

Reckless arson is another of those crimes I though always resulted in prison. How times change...

Sgt Albert Hall said...

A simple blood test is all that’s required. Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome.

Modern surgery and drugs can change lots of things but you can change your chromosomes.

JuliaM said...

"Reckless arson is another of those crimes I though always resulted in prison. How times change..."

And never for the better, have you noticed?

"Modern surgery and drugs can change lots of things but you can change your chromosomes."

Spot on!