Friday 10 February 2023

Great Journalism, MSN!

It's clearly the roundabout. After all, it can't possibly be the drivers who are misusing it, can it?

H/T: The Jannie via email


Frank said...

There are thousands of other roundabouts that drivers can negotiate safely so, yes, maybe it IS the roundabout.

Stonyground said...

There are good drivers, bad drivers, and most of us are somewhere in between. A badly designed junction will trip up even the reasonable drivers and will result in more accidents. When you consider how much money that is wasted by governments and regional councils, how much money could be saved by sorting them out?

JuliaM said...

"There are thousands of other roundabouts that drivers can negotiate safely so, yes, maybe it IS the roundabout."

Maybe, but why? What's different about this one?

" A badly designed junction will trip up even the reasonable drivers and will result in more accidents."

Hard to see what's so very different about this one...