Tuesday 21 February 2023

How About Starting With Your Bloated Government, Wales..?

Because you obviously have far too many little authoritarians who think what people choose to buy in Tesco is any of your business...
A Welsh Government consultation document exploring how to make the "food environment in Wales healthier" was published in June 2022 with several proposals on how to promote healthy eating. Some things considered in the original consultation are the banning of "meal deal" offers where products are cheaper if purchased together, multi-buy offers as well as reducing the prices of certain foods.

Wait, what?  

Now the Welsh Retail Consortium has written to ministers to to say that the plans would have a "disproportionate" impact on food producers, reduce choice and increase food prices.

Why a letter? Why not stop paying commecial rates and dare these arrogant little pipsqueaks to take you to court?  

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We are considering the next steps on price promotions and locations and no final position has been made following the pubic consultation. We are not proposing to ban meal deals themselves but to consider whether there should be restrictions on high fat, salt and sugar products, that may be part of a meal deal.”

Liars. You'd do it in a heartbeat if you thought you could get away with it. As Longrider succinctly puts it, Eu crogi, hongian nhw i gyd.  

H/T: Hellcid via Twitter


Stonyground said...

They could mark out the politicians in question and refuse them service. There must be other ways to fight back that I haven't thought of. It is well past time that these people learned their place.

Anonymous said...

It’s exactly like the whole “recommended daily intake” of alcohol (or anything else, for that matter). Where do these amounts come from? Careful and unbiased in-depth research? No, they ‘made it up’, the alcohol recommendation was literally ‘decided’ by a bunch of Karens sitting around saying to each other “How much do you drink?” and then categorically stating that drinking any more (than they did), or anything else (than they liked), was ‘unhealthy’ and evidence of addiction. I kid you not.

The other thing to notice is how ‘every’ one of the health nazis is … an unfit, overweight, unhealthy, (usually mentally ill), monstrosity (seriously look at all the ‘health’ ministers, advisors and experts demanding this idiocy). The point? ‘They’ have issues, and rather than deal with them (which they can’t) they demand (like good collectivists everywhere) that everyone do without instead.

It’s not just that they view everyone else as too stupid to be able to make personal choices, it’s that need everyone to believe (as they do) that it’s not their fault they are as unfit, fat and ugly as they are, it’s the food ‘forcing’ them.

The (predictable) hilarious thing is that they’ll ban them for everyone else, whilst excusing the tax-payer subsidised banquets for themselves (Did you know that the group that forced alcohol limits on us celebrated their ‘win’ with … a party, where the plonk flowed liberally, and one member required hospital treatment for ‘over-indulging’? Yes, really!).

There’s an incontrovertible fact known within medicine/nursing, that those who enter the mental health field do so because they (the overwhelmingly vast majority) have mental health issues themselves. So? I guarantee when you examine who is proposing, and pushing this, you will find Mr., Mrs. or (more likely) Ms. … Blobby (who is really just 'big boned' and keeps being 'ambushed' by bars of chocolate and cream-cakes as she innocently walks by the counter. Honest!).

Lord T said...

Years ago we used to travel from all over the UK to France for cheap booze. The saving from rip of Britain taxes paid for the entire trip and in some more organised cases people got a free day trip out of it.

It takes less than an hour to travel across Wales from anywhere there so if people started doing their weekly shop in Bristol and Chester. Not just the meat but the whole lot then it would soon change.

I do like the idea of supermarkets not selling to these fucks but they would just send along their peons. However, banning them from restaurants etc. would at least put them on notice.

JuliaM said...

"They could mark out the politicians in question and refuse them service."

Yes! Let's get inventive, people!

"It’s exactly like the whole “recommended daily intake” of alcohol (or anything else, for that matter). Where do these amounts come from?"

I can guess...

"Years ago we used to travel from all over the UK to France for cheap booze."

Me too! I loved trips down the D940, past Wimereaux and stopping at amazing little restaurants for a lunch of sublime food.