Saturday 6 July 2024

Congratulations, Banksy, You're Now In The People Trafficking Trade...

A rescue boat financed by Banksy has been seized by Italian authorities after being involved in an effort to rescue 37 people from the central Mediterranean sea, the British street artist and the vessel’s crew have said on social media.

Because unlike in Britain, the authorities are fed up with z-list celebutards helping illegal immigrants into their country, and are determined to stop them.  

In a statement posted on his Instagram channel on Wednesday, Banksy said the migrant rescue vessel he funds, the MV Louise Michel, had on Monday night “rescued 17 unaccompanied children from the central Mediterranean”.
He added: “As punishment, the Italian authorities have detained it – which seems vile and unacceptable to me.”

As 'vile and unacceptable' as helping criminals, Banksy? Guess it's not surprising from someone who routinely helps themselves to other people's property for their childish daubings.  

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