Thursday, 30 January 2025

Or You Could Design Rubber Tips For Them, Idris?

Idris Elba has called for kitchen knives to have their ends rounded off in a bid to tackle the UK's violent gang crisis.

Oh, not this old chestnut again... why is this overpaid mummer flapping his gums anyway? 

Speaking ahead of the release of his documentary... 


...Idris Elba: A Year Of Knife Crime later this year, the 52-year-old actor made a number of suggestions to help bring an end to knife crime. The Luther star said that whilst banning the sale of zombie knives was a positive step in tackling the issue, he also believed ninja swords should be outlawed and suggested kitchen blades have their sharp point removed.

Prisoners in jail are pretty inventive about sharpening toothbrush handles to make shivs, but I'm sure this wouldn't happen elsewhere, eh, Idris? Not that any manufacturer of kitchen implements is going to take a blind bit of notice.  

He told the BBC: 'Not all kitchen knives need to have a point on them, that sounds like a crazy thing to say. But you can still cut your food without the point on your knife, which is an innovative way to look at it.'

I looked up the term 'innovative', Idris, and...

Maybe you should manufacture little rubber tips that people could buy to apply to the hundreds of thousands of knives in kitchens in the country, Idris, make a bit of cash on the side?

The award-winning screen star also believes young people in London gangs are 'not big and scary', adding it is 'sad' that society has 'turned our back on them'.

I think it's the gangs who have turned their back on society, isn't it? 

He also felt big tech and social media needed to take more responsibility over the issue, saying: 'When it comes to big tech, there needs to be accountability within their own policies, and their policies need to be educated and driven by what society deems is right or wrong.
'It's great that you're a big company, you make a lot of money, got lots of social media followers, that's fantastic.
'But by the way, we don't like knives, we're not going to tolerate you advertising knives to young people, please.

The tech companies aren't doing the 'advertising', that would be the thugs making TikTok rap videos, Idris.... 

'We don't like porn, we don't like this, we don't like bully dogs, it can be done in a society, and in my opinion, where democracy leads, it takes a village.'

And this one is clearly missing its idiot. He seems to think everything - tools, social media - is to blame for violent gang stabbings except the violent members of gangs doing the stabbing. 


Bucko said...

This guy could be a policy adviser to our Government. Every suggestion under the sun, other than tackling the actual problem

Macheath said...

He clearly hasn’t read ‘Dune’:
“Gurney says there's no artistry in killing with the tip, that it should be done with the edge.”

Andy5759 said...

It takes a lot of knowledge to convert a replica firearm into a functioning gun. It is a simple matter to put a point to a knife, a file and a stone is all that's needed.

Anonymous said...

I've got a nice selection of screwdrivers with a variety of nasty pointed tips. Easy to stab someone with one of them, if you wanted to. Maybe I should grind the tips off?

Anonymous said...

Everyone's afraid to address the elephant in the room. The elephant is either African or Asian obviously

Sheikh_Anvakh said...

This is me on LBC 22mins40secs in, speaking to Nigel Farage in 2018. Note my comment re the "culture".

DiscoveredJoys said...

And then there are all those screwdrivers...

Barbarus said...

Something that these people never get their heads around is that human life is actually fairly fragile. Taking away this or that weapon is not going to affect the murder rate; only taking away the intent to kill will, so to speak, cut it.

Steven said...

I have a very nice set of Gator sharpening stones that I picked up 30 years ago and can still turn a butter knife into a razor blade if I so .wished

Steven said...

One of the key things that really annoys me about this campaign of Mr Elba's, is that he has previously acknowledged that these knife-control laws he has championed (banning "zombie" knifes and machetes etc.) are largely symbolic. This is the WORST form of law you can have. Laws by their very nature are restrictive upon the law-abiding: you cannot do this, you must do that, you can only do so much of the other. The hope in applying them is that somehow these restrictions will have an overall positive effect that makes the law worthwhile, creating a net benefit.

When however, you introduce a law in the full knowledge that it will have no practical effect whatsoever, that it is just to make a socialogical point, then said law can be immediately labelled as "draconian", as there will never be any benefit to offset even the most moderate inconvenience.

Nemisis said...

Oh you stupid script-learner - it's the people, not the number of weapons!
Compare gun crime levels in Switzerland with those in the UK, the difference being that most adult males there are Reservists who have the Swiss equivalent of an Uzi in a gun box at home.

JuliaM said...

Yup 🙄

JuliaM said...


JuliaM said...

They'll outlaw flint next!

JuliaM said...

Even a blunt utensil will puncture a throat, if you but put enough force behind it.

JuliaM said...

Indeed so.

JuliaM said...

Spot on! 👏👏👏

JuliaM said...

Only Allen Keys allowed from now on, comrade!

JuliaM said...

The intent, and the culture that drives it.

JuliaM said...

Oh, there IS a benefit, but it's to the government beancounters.

JuliaM said...

Switzerland has also resisted infinity Third World replacers too...