Tuesday, 18 February 2025

That’s A Good Result!

For a nice change....

The multi-millionaire owner of three dogs that carried out a “terrifying” attack in a Croydon park has been issued a large fine.

Not XL Bullies, a rather more exotic import, as one would expect from Croydon: 

The incident happened in Lloyd Park around 4.50pm on July 21, 2023, involving three large Turkish Kangals belonging to Anwar Ansari. A man and several chickens were set upon by the dogs, leaving them with several injuries. The Daily Mail reported that the dogs killed three chickens, injured another dog and attacked a jogger.

If I decided to keep a wolf, I'd have to obtain a licence and follow strict regulations on the care and keeping of such an animal. 

But if I opted to keep a dog specifically bred to fight off wolves, with all that implied for size, power and temperament, it's not even necessary to get a 37p licence any more. And I could take it out in public with nothing more thsan a lead, and even discard that whenever I liked.

Following a police investigation the dogs were seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Ansari, 67, of Hadley High Drive, was sentenced at Willesden Magistrates’ Court after pleading not guilty to six dangerous dog offences.The courts ordered Ansari to pay £13,000 in compensation to the victims and £52,410.00 for the MPS kennel and veterinary costs.
He was also been banned (sic) from keeping dogs for 10 years.

If only this was the policy everywhere else in the country. 


Bucko said...

They probably fined him like that because he's a multi millionaire. Your standard chav probably avoids it because they're the down-trodden, and not part of the rich elite who don't pay their fair share in taxes, or some such nonsense

Anonymous said...

From experience, any court ordered compensation order is classed as a civil debt so if the debt is not paid, the (non) recipient has to take legal action, sometimes costing more than the debt. Not certain how the Met will act but, if this numpty really is a millionaire, he'll have access to a shyster who will get him out of paying.

JuliaM said...

Maybe, but surely they could garnish any future wages of the chav, no matter how unlikely?

JuliaM said...

Yes, that’s a possibility, of course.