Wednesday, 19 February 2025

This Is Why They Should Be Shot On Sight...

Despite the attack, the dogs have since been returned to Flood.

In other words, despite her loose vicious mutts attacking an 88 year old man's two dogs and killing one after getting out while the useless chav bitch of an owner was asleep - at 3:30pm. 

Following her guilty plea magistrates made a contingent destruction order, stating that if Flood fails to keep certain conditions such as having the dogs muzzled, on a lead and secured in her garden, they will be put down.

She's ALREADY failed those conditions, so why give her another chance? Yet they always do

Flood was told she must take her responsibilities for dog ownership more seriously going forward.

Like that's going to happen... 

Flood was ordered to pay the pensioner £700 for the cost of the pedigree chihuahua, £500 for his psychological damage and £300 towards the vet bill for his other chihuahua.

'Towards' the vet bill, so I doubt it even covers the full amount. God, I'm so very sick of reading these stories. What's the point of licensing wild animals if the domestic ones freely available to every Tom, Dick and Harry can do as much damage?  

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