Wednesday 12 January 2011

Can Opened, Oddly Similar Worms Everywhere...

Well, it's all coming unravelled now, isn't it?

Commenter Henry Crun draws my attention to yet another case of totally coincidental 'Asian' men arrested as part of another totally unconnected probe into sexual assaults on suspiciously melanin-deficient under-age girls:
The suspects, aged between 20 and 40, are reported to be from Rochdale and Heywood in Greater Manchester.

They were arrested on suspicion of rape, inciting child prostitution, allowing a premises to be used for prostitution and sexual activity with a child.

The arrests were made last month but have only just become public knowledge.
Goodness! I wonder why that is..?


James Higham said...

Multiculturalism. Julia, that's the thing. Gordo told us so.

blueknight said...

'they' are probably wondering whether to put the news out all at once and get it over with, or drip feed it slowly so it does not look like an epidemic.

and now this

Sisters of Mercy said...

Of course, what Islam can achieve, Catholicism can match.

JuliaM said...

"Multiculturalism. Julia, that's the thing. Gordo told us so."

Indeed. Turned out as well as all the other bills of goods we were sold...

"...or drip feed it slowly so it does not look like an epidemic."

It's like the 'mysterious' deaths of birds and fish - it will now SEEM like an epidemic, because all the media will be looking for a similar story.

"Of course, what Islam can achieve, Catholicism can match."

I've no doubt. Yet I didn't see anyone holding back on slamming Catholicism out of fears that either the Catholics would riot, or the non-Catholics would start to say 'Hey, just why do we have so many Catholics here anyway?'.

Did you?

Sisters of Mercy said...

Why else did Church and State conspire to protect and cover up the abuse?

Anonymous said...

Sisters of Mercy:

Self interest and protection of course, just like any organisation caught doing wrong!

On other hand criticise or mock Islam and the death threats / acts of violence will follow...

One rule for one...ect