Saturday 22 January 2011

Why Are We Not Blaming Doctors As Well?

Teachers have been blamed for the record number of children prescribed ‘chemical cosh’ drugs such as Ritalin.
Why? Are they prescribing them, then?
There are now some 650,000 eight to 13-year-olds on the drug or its equivalents.

This marks an astonishing rise, up from 92,700 in 1997 and just 9,000 in 1990, according to NHS figures.
Notice it says ‘NHS figures’. Not ‘Department of Education’ figures.

Isn’t that a big enough clue?
Yesterday it emerged the vast majority of the children were given the potent drug on the instruction of their teacher.
They won’t have been prescribed this drug just on the say-so of the teacher, or even of the p[aren’t, surely?
Russell Hobby, of head teachers’ union the NAHT, agreed it was an increasing problem but said issues in society as a whole, not teachers, were to blame.

He added: ‘It’s an increasing issue in our society. We label children as having medical conditions when they just have minor behavioural problems.’
I’d take more notice of your bleating Russell old chum, if your members weren’t so keen to label children as racist bigots when they have no idea what they are saying…


Captain Haddock said...

"Yesterday it emerged the vast majority of the children were given the potent drug on the instruction of their teacher" ...

Christ on a bike .. most teachers are barely capable of teaching, let alone "instruct" about other matters ..

I have a good friend, who is a retired teacher .. though quite how he held the job down is as big a mystery to me as the bloody Immaculate Conception ..

Nice bloke but he hasn't got a clue .. and he can't spell to save his life ..

Anonymous said...

In our 'quick fix' world, its far simpler to treat the symptoms rather than the cause. My little ones know how far they can push their luck before words are had. I am not claiming they are little angels, I found number 2 daughter painting the wall with marmite the other day for example. I put it down to artistic expression rather than malice. But a bit of impromptu food art doesnt have me reaching for the medication.

Anonymous said...

The UK has a relatively uniform age distribution, so 650,000 8-13 year olds means around 10% of the population in that age group are being given psychoactive drugs.

The King of Wrong said...

Um... that "10%" post was me, dunno why it's appeared as 'Anonymous'!

Greencoat said...

'650,000 8-13 year olds are being given psychoactive drugs'

The wrath of God is coming...

JuliaM said...

"Nice bloke but he hasn't got a clue .. and he can't spell to save his life .."

That long since ceased to be a requirement!

"...I found number 2 daughter painting the wall with marmite the other day for example. I put it down to artistic expression rather than malice."

A better use for it than eating the stuff... ;)

"..650,000 8-13 year olds means around 10% of the population in that age group are being given psychoactive drugs."

Good grief!