Monday, 18 March 2019

"Nice Progressive Society You Got Here...Be A Shame If Anything Happened To It."

A Birmingham primary school that taught pupils about LGBT rights as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has suspended the lessons indefinitely until a resolution is reached with protesting parents.
Wait, didn't they say they'd stand firm?
Previously Parkfield said they would continue as normal after the Easter holidays.
What changed?
Mohammed Aslam, a spokesperson, said: “We welcome these developments and reiterate that the school needs to work with parents in a spirit of partnership and cooperation and not against them in educating their children.”
Isn't it precisely this sort of craven capitulation in the face of religious dogmatism and refusal to integrate that drives the so-called 'right wing backlash' against Islam?

So why do they do it?


Bucko said...

Why do they do it? Because they get away with it. And if anyone objects, they do it again. And so on...

Just Trevor said...

When you want both sides to lose.

Fahrenheit211 said...

What angers me about this case is that there are a number of parents, some religious and some not, some very socially conservative and some, like myself, a bit less so, but what we have in common is a discomfort and a disquiet at some of the pro-LGB and in particular pro-Trans propaganda that is being pushed onto our children.

I find it utterly appalling and a disgusting and disgraceful double standard that these Muslim parents are able to get the State to cave in and remove the propaganda from their schools when the rest of us just get told to 'go screw yourselves' when we object to it. These Muslims are being given rights that are denied to the rest of us and that is wrong. Caving in to these Muslim parents isn't a 'reasonable accommodation' of a particular religious belief, such as not forcing them to eat pork or the Sikh exemption to motorcycle crash helmet law, it is a surrender to these Muslims.

Why on earth is that when parents with children at Jewish schools, Christian schools and community schools that try to avoid this extremely one sided propaganda speak up about it they and the schools get dumped upon from a great height by Ofsted, yet these Muslims get their own way? It makes me wonder whether the local council caved in to these Muslims because of the threat that they would get violent if No Outsiders project was not withdrawn. It would not surprise me as after all Christians are mostly not violent and nor are Jews and the same can be said for many secular parents, but Muslims, yes they are likely to riot.

Sobers said...

" It would not surprise me as after all Christians are mostly not violent and nor are Jews and the same can be said for many secular parents, but Muslims, yes they are likely to riot."

The parents involved don't even have to threaten to riot. Its the classic 'Good cop/Bad cop' routine. The authorities know that a certain (small) % of the Muslim population are actively involved in terrorist activities. A larger % tacitly approve of that activity and will, if not help, not inform on anyone so involved. The vast majority who don't necessarily approve of terrorism can however demand things like this, safe in the knowledge that the authorities know the threat of violence from the minority is there. And thus get appeased. Thus the 'peaceful' majority get what they want with the implicit (but never stated) threat of violence.

As you say if a group of Christian parents took the same line, they'd probably be arrested for hate crimes or something, because there is no minority of Christians who are involved in terrorism for the authorities to have to take into consideration. Its like the classic gangster film scene concept where the crime boss walks into a bar all smiles and bonhomie and gets treated like a prince, free drinks the works, all because of the underlying threat of violence (from his goons not him) if anyone told him to sling his hook.

'Nice school you've got here, shame if anything happened to it.......'

Umbongo said...


When I was reading economics at university there was a concept of the "second best" solution to imperfect markets. I would suggest that rather than shouting the odds about a clear case of excessive islamophilia (which it is) we opt for the second best here.

It's obvious that the only demographic which has heft in the fight to maintain the family (female mother, male father children . . ) as the centre of society and the fount on which most other societal good is founded, is the Moslem community. Sure, rapine of white girls and terrorist murder are not things I would wish to encourage but as a "second best" we indigenes should be cheered that the Moslem community embraces the centrality of family life in its world-view. Accordingly, I support (reluctantly I must say) the efforts of the parents here to see that their children are not used as a weapon in the woke wars.

Generally on LGBT matters, I have no argument with gays (of either sex) to live a life they find happy and fulfilling. I object, however, to the authorities forcing the beliefs and practices of the (tiny) trans "community" on the rest of us and, particularly, children. Such objections are also - as I understand it - made by Moslems. In this war we're on the same side as Islam: maybe we should recognise this rather than criticising the Parkfield parents for fighting our battles.

JuliaM said...

"Why do they do it? Because they get away with it. "

That point is when our society started to crumble. It should have been resisted. It wasn't.

And now the d'jinn is out of the bottle.

"When you want both sides to lose."

Oh, yes! *passes the popcorn*

"I find it utterly appalling and a disgusting and disgraceful double standard..."

Completely agree. It's almost as if they WANT to sow discord and break social cohesion, isn't it?

"The authorities know that a certain (small) % of the Muslim population are actively involved in terrorist activities. "

And what's the percentage of politicians that now hail from that self-same 'community'? That may equally be a factor.

"Generally on LGBT matters, I have no argument with gays (of either sex) to live a life they find happy and fulfilling. I object, however, to the authorities forcing the beliefs and practices of the (tiny) trans "community" on the rest of us and, particularly, children."

The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well, yes, I can see that.

But we shouldn't forget, when the dust settles, that they ARE an enemy.