Tuesday 13 December 2022

More Tone Deaf Policing...

Good of you, but isn't there someone else you should be remembering?


Stonyground said...

With reference to the linked post. A few years ago I was driving eastwards on the M62, a few miles west of the Goole Bridge. Light traffic, I'm in the middle lane and I see a slower moving vehicle ahead. I check my right hand wing mirror and see that the outside lane is empty, I indicate and prepare to move out. As is my habit, I take one last look in the mirror before changing lanes and see a Mercedes sports car. I was travelling at seventy MPH, the car passed me as though I was standing still. A motorcycle that was travelling fast enough to overturn a small car would have been a speck on the horizon when the driver made the decision to turn right.

JuliaM said...

"A motorcycle that was travelling fast enough to overturn a small car would have been a speck on the horizon when the driver made the decision to turn right."

Well, quite!

I've been in a similar situation, driving to Dover for a crossing just before Christmas. Just past the QEII crossing, there's a kind of 'dip' and I'd reached the bottom and was heading out the other side when a police Volvo, blue lights on, crested the hill in my rear view mirror and was flashing past me before I had time to think 'Oh, he's in a hu...'

The closing speed was terrifying.