Friday 30 December 2022

The Guardian: "Fantasy Violence? Yes Please!"

But only if it's the ladies, right? her introductory scene, taking care of drunk punters who get aggressively handsy with a waitress, by stabbing them in the legs and smashing their faces on tables, before continuing to play her bowed zither thingy and sing about people power. We like her immediately.
Grrrl power, eh?
...meanwhile, a young princess called Merwyn (Mirren Mack) is undergoing an awkward coming of age. She feels she is bound for greatness, but to realise her destiny she will have to navigate a court full of men bent on assuming absolute power and wielding it nefariously. What will she need to do to survive, and will she make anything better if she does?

The 'Guardian' - always and forever proving the point that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail... 

The show's quite good, actually, for all it got roasted by critics. At four episodes, it doesn't outstay its welcome.


AJ said...

I thought it was a fairly good series, the only draw back for me was Lenny Henry. He is unable to act, how casting agents feel he is right for anything is beyond me.

JuliaM said...

Yes, that wasn't a welcome cast addition, after his debacle in 'Rings Of Power' (which I've yet to finish).