Tuesday 29 June 2010

Quote Of The Month

From Angry Exile, on the subject of expectant mothers and alcohol:
"I suspect the long and short of it is that getting completely off your dial every night to the point that you hospitalise yourself with alcohol poisoning is very likely to be a bad thing for unborn babies, which is obvious enough to be somewhere in the fucking Saville Report. But the good news is that a few vinos is not going to ensure that your baby will be born unable to stand, incapable of speech and with no control of it's bodily functions beyond a tendency to sit screaming in its own filth. The bad news is that you know that's going to happen anyway, so you might as well enjoy a nice red and spend the next few months making up cravings to send your other half up the wall."


RAB said...

Funny how fashions and fanatical opinion (not facts you understand ) change.
Years ago pregnant women were encouraged to drink Guiness every day. It was good for them, contained iron and vitamins etc.
What has conveniently been forgotton or just never mentioned by the anti alcohol fanatics, is that booze is a food. it is nourishing as well as getting you a bit jolly.

JuliaM said...

"Years ago pregnant women were encouraged to drink Guiness every day. It was good for them, contained iron and vitamins etc."

I'm told my mother drank a fair bit of that when pregnant with me. Maybe that accounts for my dislike of the stuff?

RAB said...

Yeah my mum used to drink it as well, and I cant stand the stuff either.
I think there's a nice juicy Research Grant waiting for us here Julia ;-)