Wednesday 16 June 2010

Didn't Hurl Them Hard Enough, Obviously...

The hour-long parade had been delayed due to growing tensions between the two sides, with anti-Mac protestors singing God Save the Queen and drinkers at a nearby pub hurling frozen pork sausages at the Muslims.
One member of the Mac group used a megaphone to shout: 'This is a protest against parading in a Muslim area. We love death the way you love life.'

He branded British soldiers as 'butchers' and 'despots'.


Anti-Mac protesters sang 'I'll be English 'till my dying day,' and jeered 'We pay your benefits'.
And that's all that needs to be done, frankly. No bans on them marching, nothing for these wastes of skin to get a chance to hire some shyster and get a free ride through the courts.

Just contempt, ridicule and then everyone carry on as normal.


Timdog said...

Lol, love the sausages, such a nice touch, who says English pubgoers don't have class.

To me the answer lies in their slogan "we love death the way you love life".

Err, OK then, I can see a solution here that suits everyone. We'll carry on living, you do what you gotta do, everyone's a winner.

Or is it "we love the death of others like you love life"?

Anonymous said...

Where were the soldiers' guns?

Seriously why can't we deport sharia lovers or at least take their benefits away?

Dr Melvin 'Banned from most police blogs' Gray said...

That our troops be exposed to such misdirected hatred is yet a further heavy bill we leave them to settle on our behalf, in the name of democracy.

banned said...

"Moslem areas" ?
Anywy, nice to see some black faces, some with Union Flags, in the anti MaC crowd.

WV 'multuri', honest.

Oldrightie said...

Why don't these fanatics go out and fight? Or is their mission to keep our streets unsafe?

Bucko said...

LOL. Bloody mozzies. Wish I could have been boozing in that pub.

Bucko said...

Just spotted one good comment on that story-

How come the english protestors are refered to as far right extremists and the muslim protestors are refered to as muslims?

Intruder said...

Yes - please don't ban these groups as the Mail comments seem to urge.

They are small, irrelevant and deserve to be ridiculed rather than banned. They don't deserve violence, or martyrdom, or fear or excitement - just ridicule.

Their membership will not increase if they are ridiculed. And even if it does, it sounds like good fun to turn up and shout "Allah, allah - who the fuck is Allah" - classic.

Mrs Rigby said...

No, these groups shouldn't be banned. Let them get on with it - they're just making themselves look silly.

JuliaM said...

"Or is it "we love the death of others like you love life"?"

That would certainly be 'honesty in advertising', wouldn't it?

"Just spotted one good comment on that story-

How come the english protestors are refered to as far right extremists and the muslim protestors are refered to as muslims?"
