Friday 18 June 2010

Two Words: Camera. Idiot.

Farmer Ross Armour, 41, said he had lost about 50 to 60 lambs this year without a trace.

He said: “We see black cats all the time. They come along the road. We don't know if there is one or two.

“They're quite big - dog-sized - and they're nicking all our sheep we think."


Anonymous said...

Two more words;

Claim. Bent.

Mrs Rigby said...

No two-legged lamb thieves in the area then?

RantinRab said...

Is the farm near Aberdeen? Could be a victim of a peadophile ring...

g1lgam3sh said...

Ross Armour?

What use was that when the pik...rustlers came calling.

W/v undis...pants down

microdave said...

"and they're nicking all our sheep we think."
- WE THINK????? In other words you don't actually know....

subrosa said...

A sigh from me too.

Angry Exile said...

Sticking up for your fellow ambush predators, Julia?

Furor Teutonicus said...

I saw a hedgehog in my garden last night.

Do you think the press will be interested?

It was RIGHT noisy....! Probably had a higher I.Q than a journalist as well.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Verdammte Eier, Pflaumen, u.s.w.

Google schon wieder.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Off course, you measure the I.Q of journalists in microns. So how would we ever know?

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

Eargh... Gannett Media / Newsquest, the owners of said rag are perpetrating almost identical stuff the length of the land. It seems corporate policy....

Really, they must have a template for it that the twerps can copy n paste.

SadButMadLad said...

With a trace?

So no evidence to prove it then. Not even blood stains? Records of the number of ewes who were pregrant not tallying up with the number of lambs gamboling around the field?

Back up the claims or you're lying and just angling for publicity and money.

g1lgam3sh said...

Anonymous said...

JuliaM said...

"Two more words;

Claim. Bent."

It'll be interesting to see if he has indeed claimed...

"No two-legged lamb thieves in the area then?"

Clearly, there must be no kebab shops in the area!

"Sticking up for your fellow ambush predators, Julia?"


"Probably had a higher I.Q than a journalist as well."

Almost certainly did. And a nicer personality too, as well as being a lot more useful to society.

JuliaM said...

"It seems corporate policy...."

Used to be, these stories would arise in 'silly season', i.e. summer. Now, they seem to occur all year round.

"So no evidence to prove it then. Not even blood stains? Records of the number of ewes who were pregrant not tallying up with the number of lambs gamboling around the field?"

I wonder, if that sea eagle reintroduction in England had gone ahead after all, how much they'd have had to set aside for compensation?

And how huge an appetite we'd have all been encouraged to believe a bird had!

Chuckles said...

The silence of the lambs? Must be a deeper story in there somewhere?

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX Chuckles said...

The silence of the lambs? XX

Shurrup Ewes lot?