One of the country's leading canine experts, Debbie Connolly who is an expert court witness in dog cases said the Dangerous Dog Act does not cover attacks by dogs on dogs.
She said: "Police generally don't act on such cases because it is a civil matter.
She said:
"People get frustrated because the Act does not include dog-on-dog cover. But there is the clause about "'reasonable apprehension of a bite (on a person)'".
The one no police officers ever seem to have read, you mean?
Debbie said: "If there is an attack on your dog and you are stood next to the dogs and trying to separate them, there is a reasonable apprehension you could be bitten."
Perhaps this magic phrase might prompt a few cops to put down the Greggs pasty & coffee and attend from time to time?
She said all dog-on-dog attacks should be reported to a local authority dog warden.
"People that take out civil action against the dog owners following these terrible attacks could claim compensation or payment of vets' bills and help for the pain and suffering. If the dog is insured there are claims that can be made," said the dog expert.
Though of course, the owners rarely have insurance, or indeed anything worth suing for...
She added: "It is a source of huge frustration that owners can't get criminal investigations. Frontline police officers need educating that there doesn't need to be a bite (on a person) before it is a criminal matter. Each situation is different."
Educating police officers? Well, love, I admire your ambition...
its a bit of off you julia them dogs is lightening and wen i as finshed me donuts they is alus gone
As a dog is classed as property, injury to a dog (property) by another dog (property) is a civil offence as a dog can't be prosecuted for a criminal offence. The owner may be prosecuted for failing to control their dog but this is usually dealt with by civil action. As I understand it, and unless the law has changed since my day, the only time the Police may become involved is for deliberate cruelty to animals, though travellers seem to have a get out of jail card for that, or for criminal damage when a dog is injured or killed through negligence by other than the dog's owner. No real need to educate the Police, Julia, only dog owners as to what the various legislation allows.
"As a dog is classed as property, injury to a dog (property) by another dog (property) is a civil offence..."
However, the new DDA puts greater emphasis on considering a dog 'out of control' and this is one indicator.
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