Saturday, 17 October 2020

When VirtueSignalling Meets Adults In Charge...

Urchfont Parish Council was asked by a group of young people, upset by the death of George Floyd in America, if they could use the box to create ‘a historical information point’.

Their idea of history doesn't seem to go back too far, does it? 

Emily Kinnaird told the meeting: 'Me and my friends thought it would be beneficial if Urchfont showed its support for the Black community.
'I think it is important to use education to raise awareness of racism especially in predominantly white Wiltshire.'

Of course you did, you snotty little brat.  

However, a majority of the local council claimed: 'The telephone box should be used only for local community purposes, as such this proposal covering the wider issue of racism should be rejected.'

Well, you got what you really wanted, kiddies - publicity. 


Sobers said...

If they knew anything about their own village they'd know that Urchfont Cricket Club used to have a black guy as the mainstay of their team. Marlon Simon his name was and he was feared (and respected) throughout the Wiltshire cricket community. But being the middle class away at uni types who aren't at all in any way connected to rural and working class village institutions such as the football and cricket clubs, local pubs, young farmers club etc, they'd not know that.

Anonymous said...

"My friends and I thought it would be beneficial for Bloggers to show support for correct grammar usage."

It's not f'Kinnaird, Emily.

Ted Treen said...

Virtue signalling wurzels: now I've seen (or read) it all.

Sobers said...

"Virtue signalling wurzels"

It won't be the wurzels as you call them, place like Urchfont are stuffed full of wealthy middle class incomers, often from the privileged State employed classes (senior council staff, NHS management, that sort of thing), it'll be their kids who spouting all this wokery. The real locals, the ones who have lived there for donkeys years and are more likely to be found in the local council housing wouldn't be involved in such nonsense. You'll find them in the dingy 'local' pub (as opposed to the expensive gastropub the incomers frequent), helping out on local farms, poaching the odd pheasant, doing building work and repairing cars, being stalwarts of the local sports clubs, that sort of thing. Villages like Urchfont operate a form of social apartheid - the incomers swan around like they own the place (which they do now, the swanky bits anyway) and the true locals are confined to the council housing, tied farm cottages and maybe the odd inherited house.

Stonyground said...

George Floyd has always seemed to me to be an odd choice for the Burn Loot Murder poster boy. By all accounts he was a despicable career criminal that the world is better off without. Could they really not find an innocent black guy who was badly treated by the coppers while minding his own business? Surely there must be some, that is supposedly the whole issue isn't it?

Ted Treen said...


Excellent points. I stand (humbly) corrected.

JuliaM said...

"If they knew anything about their own village they'd know ..."

You could have stopped after the first four words.. 😉

"Virtue signalling wurzels: now I've seen (or read) it all."

2020 has been a real eye opener, eh?

" like Urchfont are stuffed full of wealthy middle class incomers, often from the privileged State employed classes..."

They should be treated like other invasive species...

"George Floyd has always seemed to me to be an odd choice for the Burn Loot Murder poster boy."

A bit like an American Stephen Lawrence?