Monday, 17 January 2022

If Only Jackie Weaver Had Been Chairing This One....

Mr Howell aired his controversial views in an online video in the wake of a town hall discussion on climate change.

Oh oh! We've all seen the folly of airing these, haven't we?  

Councillors debated ways the local authority can achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. He said: 'Pets are an elephant in the room.'

Blimey, if people are keeping elephants, the methane emissions would be awful, I quite agree! 

'It is a really serious issue that politicians don't appear to be prepared to raise, understandably they are afraid of the backlash but it is important.'

Mr Howell ain't afraid of no backlash, no sirree! 

'It is estimated that globally pets consume 20 per cent of the world's meat and fish. A medium sized dog has the same emissions effect as a Toyota Landcruiser, in fact some estimates say it is twice as much.'

Who's producing these 'estimates'? And how much methane have they breathed in?! 

'I have had a lot of criticism about this....'

You don't say... 

'...but I think it is important to say that we all bear personal responsibility for reducing our carbon emissions.
'I am not saying we should to ban or exterminate dogs (sic) but what I am saying is that people need to think carefully when their animals pass away, whether they need to replace them or scale down the size of their pets.
'Perhaps whether they need to share pets, whether they need the support of their own pet or can get enjoyment and contentment from other people's animals.'

I almost admire him for standing up and expounding on his beliefs, and not caring about how they will be perceived. But only almost... 

Mr Howell's comments were described as 'worrying' by the Kennel Club.
And 'ludicrous' by everyone else.


ivan said...

In fact we all need to increase our carbon dioxide emissions to help the world grow more food as it cools down. Totally the reverse of what UN Church of Climatology is saying because they rely on feelings rather than measurable facts.

James Higham said...


Stonyground said...

The whole CO2 is the main driver of global temperatures is ludicrous. How this ridiculous idea has been kept flying for so long is pretty amazing. Don't people look out of their windows? It is getting a tiny bit warmer, oh noes run for the hills. Where exactly is the evidence that a tiny bit more CO2 is going to cause some kind of catastrophic climate meltdown? So not just this guy but anyone who buys into the climate doomsday crap.

Mudplugger said...

There was a delightful bit of hypocrisy on Propaganda TV today - an 'expert' projected that, as temperature rises (due to my car, obviously), farmers will find it increasingly difficult to grow enough food.
These are the same two-faced dicks who are campaigning in parallel to convert prime agricultural land into forests - a pair of situations which don't sit comfortably together.
Do they ever listen to the illogical crap emerging from their orifices?

Robert the Biker said...

So... when this twat and his pencil-necked supporters come for my cat, I can explain my chopping their faces off the front of their skulls with an axe as reducing their carbon footprint can I?

Stonyground said...

These fools have been predicting a downturn in food production for decades. As usual, reality goes in the exact opposite direction to their predictions. More CO2 in the atmosphere and warmer weather leading to longer growing seasons causes food production to go up, who would have thought it.

Boganboy said...

Thank you Robert. It's a pleasure to read a really sensible solution to the problem.

JuliaM said...

"Totally the reverse of what UN Church of Climatology is saying because they rely on feelings rather than measurable facts."

As do so many formerly well-grounded institutions these days.


I'm keeping Butterkist in business single-handedly!

"How this ridiculous idea has been kept flying for so long is pretty amazing."

In a world where you're a woman simply because you say you are, you're surprised?

"Do they ever listen to the illogical crap emerging from their orifices?"

If they don't, they're idiots. If they do, they must be liars. Either way, they must have no conscience.

JuliaM said...

"So... when this twat and his pencil-necked supporters come for my cat, I can explain my chopping their faces off the front of their skulls with an axe as reducing their carbon footprint can I?"

Oh, people like him don't ever do their own dirty work!

"These fools have been predicting a downturn in food production for decades."

All the while whining about 'obesity crisis'...