Friday, 28 April 2023

Pick Someone Capable Of Gratitude This Time...

...and not an ungrateful little nobody catapaulted to riches beyond his wildest dream who turned on you like the feeble-minded little snowflake he grew up to be. 

Real actors who could act him off the screen with their hands tied behind their backs know what you do for them.


Anonymous said...

He? What about her (La Watson)?

Scrobs. said...

Luckily, J.K.Rowling will be up there with the long list of authors who got youngsters - and a few oldies - reading for fun, and many of the little people who tried to act her stories will be long forgotten.

Jim Broadbent was going to be Del Boy once, he finished up as Slater - the copper...

JuliaM said...

"He? What about her (La Watson)?"

Oh, indeed, but one rather expects the distaff side to be weak and bitchy...

"Luckily, J.K.Rowling will be up there with the long list of authors who got youngsters - and a few oldies - reading for fun, and many of the little people who tried to act her stories will be long forgotten."

Her legacy will outlive them, it's true, which probably irks them more than anything...

"Jim Broadbent was going to be Del Boy once, he finished up as Slater - the copper..."

Really? I didn't know that!