Monday 7 August 2023

"Drop The Maltesers And Come Out With Your Hands Up..!"

"...this is a raid! We're the Sweeney, and we 'aven't 'ad our dinner!"

Who knew possession with intent to supply applied to chocolate as well as coke and heroin?

H/T: MisanthropeGirl via Twitter


Anonymous said...

Cue the chocolate puns on here . I’m sure we’ll have a Bounty

Andy5759 said...

Some years ago my gf and I needed to take in a lodger, so a young lady moved in with us. She was immediately popular with gf as she worked for a large confectionary company. Part of her job was to visit sweet shops to replace stock which had been on display in the sun or stored adjacent to mints and so on. This removed chocolate was taken to a dump. In this case my gf. Looking back I wonder how many years we would have got for what we had in the shed, the attic and under the beds!

Stonyground said...

Was there reason to believe that the stuff was stolen? If so it seems strange that they don't mention it. Possession of a large quantity of sweeties isn't illegal so I'm wondering what I'm missing.

JuliaM said...

"Cue the chocolate puns on here . I’m sure we’ll have a Bounty"


"Looking back I wonder how many years we would have got for what we had in the shed, the attic and under the beds!"

You could have been the Confectionary Kingpin!

"Was there reason to believe that the stuff was stolen? If so it seems strange that they don't mention it. "

I think that's the inference they want us to draw....