Wednesday 9 August 2023

Eat Enough, And It Will... fact, it'll get rid of everything!

Sounds like cyanide isn't the only toxic thing in that relationship!

In one TikTok video that has been viewed nearly three million times, a young woman claims that she has been 'secretly' feeding her boyfriend seeds containing the poisonous chemical – and that it has cleared up his acne.

Doctors pushing botox (a derivative of botulism) aren't really in a position to criticise, though, are they? 

'This trend could be highly dangerous. Long-term symptoms of cyanide poisoning include coma, high or low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, lung injury, seizures and even death.'

The real trend that's 'highly dangerous' would appear to be obvious... 

Darwin's going to be working overtime!


Bucko said...

Apricot kernels are supposed to contain small amounts of cyanide and protect against getting cancer. Research into them is banned and the Government reccommend you don't eat more than 2 per day, but I've been eating 8 per day for the past 20 years

Andy said...

I must be a conspiracy theorist to think that this is a trend encouraged by who knows. Expect ever more strict laws governing information about alternative treatments and supplements.

Remember to take your daily cocktail of pills from the beneficent pharmaceutical company and your monthly vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Tik Tok is, I'm told, owned and operated by the Chinese government. Xijing Ping Pong must be laughing his socks off at the stupidity of the British youth, and giving the rest of the Chinese hours of laughter. At first, it was the cold water challenge, something fairly harmless. When he saw how many people followed it, he is slowly upping the challenges. The latest is looting a sports shop in London. What is next? Eating gravel will improve your sex drive? No doubt the "influencers" (another name for cretins and numpties) will suggest something equally stupid.

Anonymous said...

As someone who believes all warnings should be removed from packaging and the street (if you're too stupid to not know that eating certain substances, or standing on a live rail, is a "bad idea" then you're too stupid to live, and certainly be allowed to breed) I'm all for encouraging 'more'of this.

(But then I 'may' be the type who spreads 'malicious' memes like "charging your iPhone in the microwave" etc. as a method of winnowing, Gods of the Copybook-Headings and Darwin-at-work. It doesn't mean I'm a 'bad' person ... much).

JuliaM said...

"...but I've been eating 8 per day for the past 20 years"


"I must be a conspiracy theorist to think that this is a trend encouraged by who knows."

Aren't we all, these days? What with so many of them proving to have more than a kernal of truth...

"Tik Tok is, I'm told, owned and operated by the Chinese government. Xijing Ping Pong must be laughing his socks off at the stupidity of the British youth..."

It's a fiendish oriental plan, isn't it?

"But then I 'may' be the type who spreads 'malicious' memes like "charging your iPhone in the microwave" etc. as a method of winnowing, Gods of the Copybook-Headings and Darwin-at-work."

Did YOU start the 'Will It Blend?' craze..? 🤔