Tuesday 1 August 2023

I Don't Really Care...

...I'm still not switching to one:
Eating a vegan diet massively reduces the damage to the environment caused by food production, the most comprehensive analysis to date has concluded. The research showed that vegan diets resulted in 75% less climate-heating emissions, water pollution and land use than diets in which more than 100g of meat a day was eaten.

Keep it up, all I want to do when I see one of these stories is go out and buy a steak. For breakfast! 

The researchers said the UK should introduce policies to help people reduce the amount of meat they eat in order to meet the nation’s climate targets. Ministers have repeatedly said they will not tell people what to consume, despite the precedent of, for example, taxes on high-sugar drinks.

Give it time, give it time... 

Prof Richard Tiffin (Ed: No! Surely not..!) at the University of Reading said: “This study represents the most comprehensive attempt to link food consumption data to the data on the environmental impacts of food production.
“Encouraging high-meat-eaters to reduce meat consumption and encouraging vegetarians to become vegans should result in lower emissions,” he said. “However, it’s hard to justify changes to the diets of moderate omnivores on the basis of these results, other than to switch to a completely vegan diet.”

Nope! Sod off, Prof.  


The Jannie said...

Yay! Let's eat all the plants so they can't absorb CO2: then we can stamp our feet afresh about warble gloaming. No, let's wait until some bright spark decides to tax veganism; then we'll see how popular it is.

Lord T said...

Ministers have repeatedly said they will not tell people what to consume

Liars. Again. They do all the time. Sugar Taxes, Veal, Unprocessed Milk. There must be hundreds of food items that are unable to be imported.

When they roll out the nudge unit for this and we ignore it they will legislate. We won't be able to keep livestock at home and those that do keep it will be legislated into compliance.

microdave said...

"Other than to switch to a completely vegan diet"

Which will (eventually) solve the so-called "Human Induced Climate Change" problem:


DAD said...

No, thank you. Not if this can happen (see photograph).


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to meet (no pun intended) him halfway. Some of the animals I eat are vegans.

Anonymous said...

Reduce emissions? Blimey. A diet of beans makes you fart methane in vast quantities. Only vegans can light their farts enough to warm a house!

Anonymous said...

Reduce emissions? Blimey. A diet of beans makes you fart methane in vast quantities. Only vegans can light their farts enough to warm a house!

Tom said...

It’s been proven time and again that a vegan diet is unhealthy without taking supplements.

How about a law mandating that all vegans be forced to eat meat as part of a balanced diet?

After all, they want to force us to to adopt their lifestyle. Turn about is fair play.

JuliaM said...

"Yay! Let's eat all the plants ... "

Then what will MY food eat..?

"Liars. Again. They do all the time."


"Which will (eventually) solve the so-called "Human Induced Climate Change" problem"


"Some of the animals I eat are vegans."


"It’s been proven time and again that a vegan diet is unhealthy without taking supplements."

You certainly don't get unhealthier than being dead!