Thursday 3 August 2023

No, It's Just Limiting Their Ability To Stick Their Hand In My Pocket, Rhiannon...

Here we go again. You'd think she was the only female in the world to have given birth...

Essentially what we have here is the legislating of the female body, in plain sight, yet with none of the outrage and fury that we see over abortion rights. In forcing women to choose between abortion and poverty, the policy appears specifically designed to limit women’s reproductive choices.

No, not at all. Just the ability of these women to get other people to pay for those choices. You want kids? Go right ahead. But they are an expensive proposition. 

As Sian Norris, the author of Bodies Under Siege, tells me: “The two-child policy seeks to legislate over women’s bodies, treating women’s wombs as something that can and should be arbitrated on by the state. It ties into ideas of women’s wombs being public property, which in turn links to anti-abortion ideology – ironic considering the policy is pushing some women to terminate wanted pregnancies as they can’t afford to care for a third or fourth child.”
She added: “There is a specific class-based element to this that states that if you are on a low-income, then you are not entitled to make your own decisions about pregnancy, fertility and your family.”

You're perfectly entitled to make your own reproductive choices. That hasn't changed. But make them with your own money.  


Anonymous said...

The two women named would appear to be numpties (numptesses?) of the highest order. No one is telling women not to have more than two children, but merely to prepare to have to pay for them, themselves if they want to have more, as opposed to using them as income earners. At least, their third, fifth, or ninth, child will still be entitled to free health care and education, unlike Singapore's draconian measures, so they should be grateful for what they do receive.
Personally, my wife and I stopped at two children once we found out what was causing them.

MTG said...

Idiots for's one unlikely to scale that very short bar used in plod recruitment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Melv, you didn't say that when you followed me into the Gents.

Doonhamer said...

I have a compulsion to keep drinking. ..,.You must pay for what I am compelled to do.
I am an MP with a compulsion to use excessive tax free expenses.....You must pay ..etc.
I am a supporter of Biden. You must pay for all the stuff we send to Ukraine.
I support the RNLI. You must support all those 28 year old teenagers that they bring ashore.
I am a young white male just ejected from the UK educassion sistim. Bugger off.

Anonymous said...

"How do you write women so well?"

"I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson)

Reason, accountability, responsibility, consequences, costs - all the things (most) women ardently believe should only happen to anyone 'but' her.

Feminism, demanding "equality" for women was basically the demand that unattractive (not just, or even physically) women be 'allowed' all the benefits and privileges that attractive women were given as a matter of course by the men they had attracted into their lives.

By swapping marriage, a voluntary, reciprocal contract with one man, for government forced milking of all men, women signalled their narcissistic selfishness.

That Daddy-State can no longer afford to pay for the never-ending list of things women feel they want, need or deserve and are cutting back on the bennies now is ... just too hilarious.

If women ever actually got true equality, there'd be a massive scream of despair and they'd all immediately begin demanding reinstatement of the mythical patriarchy within minutes.

JuliaM said...

"At least, their third, fifth, or ninth, child will still be entitled to free health care and education, unlike Singapore's draconian measures..."

We'd do well to emulate Singapore in that respect...

"I am a young white male just ejected from the UK educassion sistim. Bugger off."

Spot on!

"By swapping marriage, a voluntary, reciprocal contract with one man, for government forced milking of all men, women signalled their narcissistic selfishness."

A government big enough to give you all that is big enough to take it away, too...