Monday 9 December 2019

I Know Who I'd Rather Hear From...

Boris Johnson:
"But I still think it's wrong that someone like Usman Khan who was sentenced 21 years or 16 years plus five on licence should have been out automatically in eight years.”
Father of Jack Merritt:
“We don’t know all the fact about this case yet, and we won’t know for some time – the inquest could take up to 2 years.
We don’t know why Khan killed, or what, if anything could have been done differently to prevent it. Let’s have an enquiry, not a witch hunt.” sum up, we don't know all the facts and shouldn't rush to judgement, unless it's about Boris? Have I got that right?


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty confident that Khan simply got in a row about the food served at the function, and because he's a nutter, just lost it. They do, you know. Part of the problem must be that in Jail, they get pandered to about food and prayer times, which reinforces their sense of entitlement - and their religious grievances.

As to whether the original sentence was right - after all, he hadn't actually hurt anyone at that time - and whether he deserved to be executed by the police (in my view, he did) are moot points.

John Tee said...

"simply got into a row about the food" ..... and I guess the fake suicide vest was just a fashion statement?

Anonymous said...

What fake suicide vest? Have you seen it? Fake news.

John Tee said...

"What fake suicide vest? Have you seen it? Fake news."

What row over food? Did you see it? Fake news.

JuliaM said...

"I'm pretty confident that Khan simply got in a row about the food served at the function, and because he's a nutter, just lost it."

If just the knives, maybe.

But...he taped them to his hands! And had a fake suicide belt, as John points out.

I assume he didn't McGyver that out of odds and sods he found lying around Fishmongers Hall..?

There's clear premeditation.

"What fake suicide vest? Have you seen it? Fake news."

I have seen it. It's visible in the videos.