Thursday, 12 March 2020

Remember How They Were Going To Get Tougher On Knife Crime?

In 2008 at Haringey Magistrates’ Court [he was] put on a community order with an unpaid work requirement for possessing a blade on October 6 that year.
Two years later at Camberwell Magistrates’ Court he was convicted of possessing another kitchen knife with a 7.9-inch blade and sent to a Young Offenders Institute for five months.
And maybe if he'd faced longer sentences he wouldn't have been on the streets stabbing five people, one of whom is now paralysed.
Kakaire is set to be sentenced on 29 May after reports are prepared.
What more reports are needed?


Hector Drummond said...

It's reports all the way down.

Anonymous said...

People turning to self help draws ever nearer and anarchy with it. What a mess UK is in.

Andy5759 said...

Most people here believe that lives, human lives, are precious. There are places in this world where life is cheap. When we bring those who think nothing of killing here what will happen? We all know the answer to that.

bloke in Germany said...

It seems to be a very lucrative business, writing reports on scrotes. Anyone know where to apply for a job?

staybryte said...

The only report I want to hear about this lowlife is the report of a single pistol shot to his head.

Ted Treen said...

In this case, perhaps a coroner's report on this scrote would be the most apposite.

JuliaM said...

"It's reports all the way down."

Why couldn't it be turtles? I like turtles...

"We all know the answer to that."

We can't help but know, we are reminded daily...

"The only report I want to hear about this lowlife is the report of a single pistol shot to his head."


"In this case, perhaps a coroner's report on this scrote would be the most apposite."

Double /applause