Sunday, 8 March 2020

Well, There Is Truth In Advertising After All... does promise the 'true taste of Pakistan' and, errr, that's what customers got!

H/T: Barbara Roscoe via Twitter


bloke in Germany said...

But but, it was European regulations they broke. That stuff imposed by foreigners that Boris is going to sweep away to make Britain great again!!!

MTG 1 said...

Only fools, drunks or desperate people visit these places with the idea of buying food.

Anonymous said...

How can this s**t be true? They got a good review on TripAdvisor :-)

Ed P said...

I've never knowingly eaten a kebab. When you see that greasy thing in the window, revolving slowly enough to not disturb the flies on it, a late night drunken vomit is stimulated without any extra eaten filth.
And when you know the shop workers wipe their arses with their hands and do not use soap afterwards, yuck, yuck, yuck!

James Higham said...

Think I’ll eat at home.

JuliaM said...

"That stuff imposed by foreigners that Boris is going to sweep away to make Britain great again!!!"

No. He won't.

"I've never knowingly eaten a kebab. "

When a posh German chain opened up a shop in Southend High Street, claiming to be the ne plus ultra of kebabs, I steeled myself and tried it.


"Think I’ll eat at home."

We are all eating at home now!